Friday, August 30, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 304 & Part 305

Today is Friday, the 30th of August 2024.

Have you heard about Pluto? the octopus asked the lobster on the latest SLAS meeting.

That it is not a real planet any longer? the lobster asked in return.
No. Mickey Mouse abandoned him at a motorway service station 
and left very fast with his convertible car.

That is kind of sad and really very heartless, the lobster said.

But what I really wanted to ask, said the octopus, have you heard about Bromford Bibble?

No, said the lobster, what happend to Bromford Bibble? And who is Bromford Bibble?

I don't know, said the octopus. And I don't care.


"Somewhere Near Bromford"

There was a vending machine, it was obscene
Sold a build-your-own tuna sandwich thing
So I had a cereal bar in my blood-stained bed instead


There was a soda machine, had a turquoisey-sheen (shining)
Equally as insulting as the tuna sandwich thing
And I had no desire whatsoever in purchasing anything
And the guys were laughing, buying something

That was a bad decision That was a bad decision

There was a laundry machine, working
Working, yes it was working
And the half-lit Denny’s sign was weirdly comforting
Tried getting in

That was a bad decision
That was a bad decision

We were driving down the highway near Bromford
Stopped at a gas station
Two guys had just won forty bucks
On a scratch card, filling up
With gasoline, I was observing them
Said he’d take it to the whorehouse that evening
Poor girl deserves a warning
And his iced tea was yellowing

That was a bad decision
That was a bad decision

"Bromford Landing Party"

Embrasse-moi, mets ton doigt dans mon cul
Embrasse-moi, mets ton doigt dans mon cul
Une prΓ©sence ambiguΓ«
Une prΓ©sence inconnue
Jusqu'Γ  c'que j'en peux plus

Embrasse-moi, mets ton doigt dans mon cul
Embrasse-moi, mets ton doigt dans mon cul
Une prΓ©sence ambiguΓ«
Une prΓ©sence inconnue
Jusqu'Γ  c'que j'en peux plus

Embrasse-moi, mets ton doigt dans mon cul
Embrasse-moi, mets ton doigt dans mon cul
Une prΓ©sence ambiguΓ«
Une prΓ©sence inconnue
Jusqu'Γ  c'que j'en peux plus

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Bromford and Octopus …

The llama is lying in the hammock in the living room drinking from a bowl of hay tea.

»It's herbal tea, dude«, says the animal. »And why aren't you done with squids yet? Why is there another one of those AI generated pictures of some human who is supposed to be you and a squid? You already did this last time on your silly search for a new animal companion.«

»As you can read in the title this time it is not a squid. It is a clairvoyant octopus called Paul. And the AI is driven by a group of superintelligent molluscs.«

Llama is gulping a huge sip of tea.

»Stop confusing me, human. Clairvoyant? Molluscs? Are you sure they are no krakens?«

»Paul, the octopus, predicted the results of some sports tournament some years ago. And Mollusca is the second-largest phylum of invertebrate animals, after Arthropoda. Members are known as molluscs or mollusks. Molluscs are the largest marine phylum, comprising about 23% of all the named marine organisms and do also live in freshwater and terrestrial habitats. Well known are Cephalopod molluscs, such as squid, cuttlefish, and octopuses, and gastropods, such as snails and slugs.«

The llama has stood up and stepped behind my chair. It is now laying its chin an my shoulder.

»Calm down, dude. You have to calm down. Did you have a stroke? You are using all these made-up words. You are speaking in tongues. Do you need a doctor or an exorcist?«

»Squidy and Paul have sent me a telephatical message.«


»The squid I rescued from the restaurant in the mobile tank home.«


»The flamboyant octopus.«

»Telepathical? You mean like in your head?«

»Molluscs are the most intelligent species on planet Earth and in the whole wide universe. On most of he other planets they are openly walking on two of their too many legs and openly claiming the leadership. Squidy and Paul have returned to the deep blue sea. They are waiting for their alien cousins to invade Earth and to take over everything.«

Llama is helping me to stand up and is leading me to the hammock.

»Lie down, dude«, says the animal. »Relax. I will go and get you the help you need.«


Today is Saturday, the 24th of August 2024.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 302 & Part 303

Today is Thursday, the 22nd of August 2022.

Thor's Day. Is Thor an alien and Asgard his home planet?
Did Thor know any octopi? And why did Thor cry?

Cousin, said the squid to the octopus, come run away with me.
Humanity is going crazy.


"Bromford Of The Valley"

Baby, you′ve been had

I am forever searching high and low
But why does everybody tell me no?
Neptune of the seas, an answer for me, please
The Bromford of the valley doesn't know

I lie in wait with open eyes
I carry on through stormy skies
I follow every course my kingdom for a horse
But each time I grow old

Serpent of the Nile, relieve me for a while
And cast me from your spell and let me go

Messenger from Seven Seas has flown
To tell the king of Rhye he′s lost his throne
Wars will never cease, is there time enough for peace?
But the Bromford of the valley doesn't know

- 1) At Home With The Bromford
 - 2) Snowfall"

And once again we'll be as one with the Bromford
Far from the scorched pyramids
Our Sunday slippers, Mum there's no kippers in the freeze
And once again we'll be as one with the Bromford
Far from our catastrophic crimes
I'll be back with you before I die
And once again we'll be at home with Alaska
Next time you see her cruel face
Why don't you get around to ask her?
She'll hurt you with her smile
We'll suffer her just for a while

And once again we'll be at home with the Bromford
Next time you see her cruel face
Why don't you ask her?
Why don't you ask her?
Why don't you ask her?

Monday, August 19, 2024

Buck Moon ...

I want to tell you a story 'bout a little man, if I can.
A gnome named Grimble Grumble…

And this little gnome mixed up the moon phases.
Buck Moon is the July moon, not Sturgeon Moon.

Sturgeon Moon is the August moon.
So this time Buck Moon is the August moon.

Moon is confusing me.
Expecto Patronum.


Today is Monday, the 19th of August 2024.

Buck Moon

Yes, I′m being followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow

And if I ever lose my hands
Lose my plow, lose my land
Oh, if I ever lose my hands
Oh, if, I won't have to work no more

And if I ever lose my eyes
If my colours all run dry
Yes, if I ever lose my eyes
Oh, if, I won′t have to cry no more

Yes, I'm being followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow

And if I ever lose my legs
I won't moan, and I won′t beg
Oh, if I ever lose my legs
Oh, if, I won′t have to walk no more

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Bromford and Squid …


* Bromford? What is the empty fish tank doing in the living room? It is leaking and totally wetting the carpet, dude!

- It is empty? Where is Squidy?

* Who is Squidy, dude?

- Squidy, the squid I rescued from the restaurant last week. The tank is his mobile home. He lives here since Wednesday.

* Not anymore if you want my opinion. Looks like he left a farewell note inside the tank.

- What does it say, animal?

* So long, and thanks for no fish at all.


Today is Sunday, the 18th of August 2024.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 300 & Part 301

Today is Wednesday, the 14th of August 2024.

Last night - and, yes my dear llama, it is me, Bromford, the Bibble, and I am breaking the fourth wall again to explain some changes that are to come in the city-song-quiz in this blockblog of mine every eight days a week - last night I was sitting in a Greek Italian restaurant with Chinese food Mexican style when suddenly a living squid in a tank spoke to me.

A squid is an octopus-like sea animal with ten arms who usually was not speaking to restaurant customers but made an exception to the rule that night.

You don't have to explain to your readers what a squid is, said the squid, they all have watched Squid Games on Threatfix.

And he does not have readers, the llama added in my head.

I am speaking to you, the squid continued, because I noticed that there are two songs in the city-song-quiz today and I sensed that you wanted to explain it.

I like to finish what I started, I said.

He does not, the llama added in my head, or maybe he does. Who knows and who cares?

There are so many songs and I want to bring them all, I continued., but it would take us all too long if I brought them only one by one every eight days. I don't want to do the exact maths but it would take ten years or more to finish what I started. And who has got all that time in the world?

I certainly do not have all the time in the world, the squid said sobbing. I am number 42 on today's menue of this Greek Italian restaurant with Chinese food Mexican style. But I also feel that today's cities need some explanation from your side.

To be honest, animal, I said.

Which animal do you mean?, I heard the llama ask in my head. Me or the octopus-like animal with too many arms?

To be honest, animals in and outside my head, I said, I didn't even remember what or where the cities of today's quiz were and why I added them to the list of city-song-quiz cities.

Hurry, human, said the squid, I can feel the cook watching me through the bull's eye of the kitchen swing door.

And while I tried to remember whether I ever had squid for diner and whether I liked it or not, I explained, the first city is a former town in Day County, South Dakota, United States of America. The population was 4 at the 2010 census. The town was dissolved in March 2017 by the Day County court due to the population reaching zero.

Not a real place, not a real place, la la la la la, the llama sang in my head.

And the second one can be found all over the world, I think.

And just for the happy-ending I ordered the number 42 on the menue, bought the tank as a mobile home and took the squid in it back home to my penthouse apartment above the 15th floor of the building on 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside.


"Bromford, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts"

The festival was over, the boys were all plannin′ for a fall
The cabaret was quiet except for the drillin' in the wall
The curfew had been lifted and the gamblin′ wheel shut down
Anyone who had any sense had already left town
He was standin' in the doorway lookin' like the Jack of Hearts

He moved across the mirrored room, "Set it up for everyone," he said
Then everyone commenced to do what they were doin′ before he turned their heads
Then he walked up to a stranger and he asked him with a grin
"Could you kindly tell me, friend, what time the show begins?"
Then he moved into the corner, face down like the Jack of Hearts

Backstage the girls were playin′ five-card stud by the stairs
Bromford had two queens, she was hopin' for a third to match her pair
Outside the streets were fillin′ up, the window was open wide
A gentle breeze was blowin', you could feel it from inside
Bromford called another bet and drew up the Jack of Hearts

Big Jim was no one′s fool, he owned the town's only diamond mine
He made his usual entrance lookin′ so dandy and so fine
With his bodyguards and silver cane and every hair in place
He took whatever he wanted to and he laid it all to waste
But his bodyguards and silver cane were no match for the Jack of Hearts

Rosemary combed her hair and took a carriage into town
She slipped in through the side door lookin' like a queen without a crown
She fluttered her false eyelashes and whispered in his ear
"Sorry, darlin', that I′m late," but he didn′t seem to hear
He was starin' into space over at the Jack of Hearts

"I know I′ve seen that face somewhere," Big Jim was thinkin' to himself
"Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody′s shelf."
But then the crowd began to stamp their feet and the house lights did dim
And in the darkness of the room there was only Jim and him
Starin' at the butterfly who just drew the Jack of Hearts

Bromford was a princess, she was fair-skinned and precious as a child
She did whatever she had to do, she had that certain flash every time she smiled
She had come away from a broken home, had lots of strange affairs
With men in every walk of life which took her everywhere
But she′d never met anyone quite like the Jack of Hearts

The hangin' judge came in unnoticed and was being wined and dined
The drillin' in the wall kept up but no one seemed to pay it any mind
It was known all around that Bromford had Jim′s ring
And nothing would ever come between Bromford and the king
No, nothin′ ever would except maybe the Jack of Hearts

Rosemary started drinkin' hard and seein′ her reflection in the knife
She was tired of the attention, tired of playin' the role of Big Jim′s wife
She had done a lot of bad things, even once tried suicide
Was lookin' to do just one good deed before she died
She was gazin′ to the future, riding on the Jack of Hearts

Bromford took her dress off and buried it away
"Has your luck run out?" she laughed at him, "Well, I guess you must
Have known it would someday
Be careful not to touch the wall, there's a brand-new coat of paint
I'm glad to see you′re still alive, you′re lookin' like a saint."
Down the hallway footsteps were comin′ for the Jack of Hearts

The backstage manager was pacing all around by his chair
"There's something funny going on," he said, "I can just feel it in the air."
He went to get the hangin′ judge, but the hangin' judge was drunk
As the leading actor hurried by in the costume of a monk
There was no actor anywhere better than the Jack of Hearts

No one knew the circumstance but they say that it happened pretty quick
The door to the dressing room burst open and a Colt revolver clicked
And Big Jim was standin′ there, ya couldn't say surprised
Rosemary right beside him, steady in her eyes
She was with Big Jim but she was leanin' to the Jack of Hearts

Two doors down the boys finally made it through the wall
And cleaned out the bank safe, it′s said they got off with quite a haul
In the darkness by the riverbed they waited on the ground
For one more member who had business back in town
But they couldn′t go no further without the Jack of Hearts

The next day was hangin' day, the sky was overcast and black
Big Jim lay covered up, killed by a penknife in the back
And Rosemary on the gallows, she didn′t even blink
The hangin' judge was sober, he hadn′t had a drink
The only person on the scene missin' was the Jack of Hearts

The cabaret was empty now, a sign said, "Closed for repair,"
Bromford had already taken all of the dye out of her hair
She was thinkin′ 'bout her father, who she very rarely saw
Thinkin' ′bout Rosemary and thinkin′ about the law
But, most of all she was thinkin' ′bout the Jack of Hearts

"Bromford Takes Us Outside"

Valentines Day, 25, June, 16th, Wednesday, July 6th, 20, 0, 20, 15,
Martin Luther King Day, June 18th, June 6th, Wednesday,
August 18th, 9th, 1999, 12, Nicholas, August, Wednesday, 13th, Sunday, 5th,
March, October, January, October 13th,
Wednesday, Martin Luther King Day, afternoon, in view of nothing, 20, 0, 1,
Late winter, Martin Luther King Day, 12, 16,
August, Wednesday, 13th, Friday, 7, June.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 299

Today is Tuesday, the 6th of August 2024.

Am I a shrimp or a prawn?

The little animal with legs was running floating and searching around on the white gravel on the bottom of the aquarium.

Where is the other fish? asked the pufferfish. The little orange one?

He left, said the shrimp or the prawn. He left for P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney.

What is that address? the pufferfish asked. Sounds like some doctor's office.

It is the headquarter of the SLAS, said the prawn who wanted to be a shrimp and hid away in an artificial cave of stones.


"Turn This Island Bromford"

A starfish in a sea of dreams
A ride that's never ending
From a lost world into a spinning
Fairground in space
Shining teapot spilling a mother ship of fire
Aladdin's lamp pouring down the Milky Way
Big Dipper roller coaster jumping jack exploding
Night and day you've whirling on a ferris wheel

Turn this Island Bromford

A red shift cluster bright
Signal from the other side
Lampwick and Slats are laughing
Beyond the speed of light years passing
All the shooting stars
Rings of Saturn calling a red planet blazing
The singing moans of Jupiter around your eyes

Turn this Island Bromford

Looking back from where we are
City lights clusters of stars
While we fly
A jewel in the crown of a universe
Saphire blue in a golden starburst
Oceans of deep blue

Standing on the moon
Gazing at all the mountains in China
Mother Bromford sleeping
With all her children inside her

Starbound spirits
Rising in mind out of time
Free from the bonds around us
Captives in waking mankind

Turn this Island Bromford

Friday, August 02, 2024

Bromford and Ant ...


»Bromford? Dude?« the llama is addressing me.

»Yes, llama?« is my reply.

»Do you still think all this searching for a new animal companion is fun?«

»I started it«, I try to explain, »and you know that I always try to finish what I have started. There are another 78 appointments I have made with candidates for companion. And I am not going to cancel theses interviews, animal.«

»Who is our latest visitor, dude?« the llama asks. »An alien?«

»My latest visitor is an ant. Albert Ant.«

»You just invented this name. And never date an ant or invite an ant to your penthouse. They use to have huge families. They usually come in hundreds.«

The ant says nothing but is reaching out for the sugar box.


Today is Friday, the 2nd of August 2024.