Friday, June 07, 2024

Bromford and Tiger …

»What is going on, dude?«

I am opening my eyes.

The living room is a mess. The flatscreen t.v. has fallen from the wall. The couch table is broken, four broken table legs and the table top scratched and cracked. Torn cussions and curtains. Books and magazines, blu-rays and dvds scattered across the floor. Couch and armchairs fallen over.

I am sitting in the far corner of the room rubbing my forehead.

»What happened?«

The llama is standing in the door looking at the damages.

»I heard noises when I came from the staircases across the roof to the frontdoor. And in the hallway of the penthouse I was almost run over by a bouncing black and orange whirlwind. Again, dude. What has happened here?«

I breathe out long and heavily.

»Wow«, I say. »That was intense, almost insane. This one was the wildest candidate so far.«

»Oh«, the llama replies, »you had another interview with Bromford's next possible animal companion while I was doing the grocerie shoppings? Nice - not nice, dude.«

»It was a tiger. And I surely wasn't expecting this. I thought a tiger was a too dangerous to live with animal but this one was only wild. He called himself Tigger, the only one, and he said he liked to bounce and bouncing was what Tiggers could do best. And he was bouncing from the armchairs over the couch table to the couch and across the room. What a mess.«

The llama is pushing the shopping bags into the kitchen corner with its hind-legs.

»And how did you get this wild animal to leave the penthouse after all this rampage?«

»I don't know. He murmered something about hunger and some extract of malt he had to get from his Kanga. Then I had to sit down for a second.«

»Pooh«, is all the animal can answer to all of that.


Today is Friday, the 7th of June 2024

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