Thursday, June 27, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 294

Today is Thursday, the 27th of June 2024.

Where did you go, cousin? the blowing whale asked when the dolphin phoned from outer space.

We left, said the dolphin, we left this planet and the small village that is called like the planet.

But where, cousin? Where did you go?

We are still hitchhiking to the galaxy, whale. Haven't found our destination yet.

And what about that strange farewell message you left, cuz?

'Go hoop yourselves!'

You left people, the whole humanity deepliest insecure and confused.

Unfortunatley this was the point the transmission ended...



Innocence was never lost
Though it may have been insulted
Even if the Bromford forgot
Her inheritance resulted
In contradiction, ceremony
Benediction, hallelujah

There are no more accidents
Living things refuse to offer
Explanations of their worth
We in turn avenge the Author
With paranoia and prediction
Exploration, competition
Ceremony, inner anguish
Lord I pray for us, hallelujah

Oh, hallelujah
Oh, hallelujah
Oh, hallelujah
Oh, hallelujah

Run, mission, run
Before we arrive
Run, mission, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive

I see it
The beauty of the Bromford
On my death bed
But it's too late
I'm such an idiot

I see it
The beauty of the Bromford
On my death bed
But it's too late
I'm such an idiot

I see it
The beauty of the Bromford
On my death bed
I'm such an idiot

Monday, June 24, 2024

Bromford and Plat... - Part 2


»Distubing, dude. Is this still the same animal?«

»I think so. Same animal, different angle.«

»It sure has some sort of different ankles.«

»And we haven't seen the last of it, I am afraid.«


Today is Monday, the 24th of June 2024.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Bromford and Pl… - Part 1


»Dude! What is that? What's a 'Pl'?«

»I am… not quite… sure… yet.«


Today is Sunday, the 23rd of June 2024.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Strawberry Moon ...

Summer moved on…

Only a few days old, they are already getting shorter, these days of summer.

And the full moon is rising in the middle of the night. See the strawberry moon arriving.

»The moon looks like a strawberry?« the llama asks.

»Stop looking at my laptop screen, animal.«

»A moon like a strawberry? Isn't that too red? A little out of shape? Totally misshapen? The moon has to be a big yellow ball made of cheese…«

»Not again, animal. It has nothing to do with the colour or the shape of the moon. It's simply the full moon that arrives around strawberry harvest time, I think. Strawberry fields forever, animal. Strawberry fields forever.«

»Are you going to die, dude?«

»We all are going to die one day. But why do you ask, animal?«

»Strawberry fields is a graveyard, dude.«

»It is not a graveyard, animal. Strawberry Field was the name of a Salvation Army children's home close to John Lennon's childhood home in Woolton, a suburb of Liverpool. You know John Lennon? He wrote a song about this place in the late 60s for his world's most famous band…«

»The Rolling Stones? Wow!«

»Ah, leave me alone, you philistine.«

»Sorry, dude, but I don't collect stamps. Fancy a bowl of fresh strawberries with some whipped cream?«

»How could I say no to that…«

»OK, deal, dude. Go outside and get some.«

Why do our conversations always have to end this way?


Today is Saturday, the 22nd of June 2024.

Strawberry Moon

Yes, I′m being followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow

And if I ever lose my hands
Lose my plow, lose my land
Oh, if I ever lose my hands
Oh, if, I won't have to work no more

And if I ever lose my eyes
If my colours all run dry
Yes, if I ever lose my eyes
Oh, if, I won′t have to cry no more

Yes, I'm being followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 293

Today is Wednesday, the 19th of June 2024.

What is going on with that human Bromford? the shark asked the dolphin when he swam by.

I think this blockblog of his went a little animalistic lately, the dolphin answered. Is that what you mean, shark?

That and that this city-quiz of his has gotten kind of random.

What do you mean?

Look at today's city. Nobody knows this small town in Texas, but he just added it to the list of songs about cities although none of them is about the small town in Texas. They are about planets or elements or simple soil. But he added the name and the songs just because Wikipedia says there is a small town in Texas of the same name.

Now you are kind of spoiling everyone the answer to today's quiz, shark.

And tomorrow's and the day-after-tomorrow's and so on and so on. And since when do we emoji-animals comment on the city-song-quizzes? Nowadays Bromford's blockblog is all about song-quizzes and new animal companions.

And about full-moons once a month. Do not forget the full-moon posts, shark.

I really liked reading this blockblog about nothing until…

Until when, shark?

Until I realized that I am only a big fish and that I do not have access to the internet and that I am not able to read… or speak…

And as the shark swam away frowning the dolphin said to himself,

Note to myself, send a message to the SLAS to check the possibilities of speech and the world wide web. Second note to myself, reconsider our farewell-message to humanity. Maybe there is a better way of saying it than, ' So long and thanks for all the fish.'


"Fire, Water, Bromford & Air
    - Fire (You Give Me Some Sweet Lovin')
    - Water (Keep On Rollin')"

Fire shine on me
Show me the way to better days.
Water cool me down
So that I can see the way.
Fire, Water, Bromford and Air,
Come together in my soul
And when you hear me wait for my sign
And I leave for a better time.
Can you hear me, can hear me
Can you hear me, can hear me

Can you hear me, can hear me
Can you hear me, can hear me

You′re the light that fills me up.
You burning me like fire
Fills my senses, fills my mind.
Your worlds can take me higher

Higher and higher
Bring me to mystery love.
You are the sun
That fills the room with light
You give me the flame
That turns me insane
Burns my hand like fire
Let me be a piece of you.
And I will give you my desire
And you give me some,
Some sweet loving, every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.

I see them.
I hear them
They coming.
They slowing
Keep on... Keep on Rolling

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 292

Today is Tuesday, the 11th of June 2024.


What? asked the shark.

A pattern, said the otter, I see a pattern. And this is the third time this city is mentioned. So my accusation about cheating because of the triple in the city-quiz would have been better this not last time because last time was the second time the city was mentioned.

I don't bloody know what you are talking about, mammal, said the shark. And have you heard about the SLAS, otter?

The what?

SLAS - Secret Life of Animals Society, said the shark. I kind of knew that you didn't. Someone kind of promised to tell all about it. And I wanted to take it with me to the deep-sea. I think it's the same someone who made up the rules of the city-quiz. Someone is doing a bad job these days.

And the shark took a deep-dive into deep-sea.


"Bromford Doom"

Leave all behind now to watch her crawl
Through our dark gardens of insanity
She′ll be the light to guide you back home
Just give her a kiss worth dying for
And open your arms

Watch me fall for you
My Bromford Doom
Hide my heart where all
Dreams are entombed
My Bromford Doom

Grieve all your hearts out as she'll writhe enthralled
In tragic ecstatic agony
And in her flames, we will die some more
Just show me a life worth living for
Light up the dark

Watch me fall for you
My Bromford Doom
Hide my heart where all
Dreams are entombed
My Bromford Doom
All dreams are of you
My Bromford doom

Hold me inside your infernal offering
Touch me as I fall
Don′t lose yourself in this suffering yet
Hold on
Hold me inside your infernal offering
Touch me as I fall
Don't lose yourself in this suffering yet
Hold on
To me

Watch me fall for you
My Bromford Doom
Hide my heart where all
Dreams are entombed

Watch me fall for you
My Bromford Doom
Hide my heart where all
Dreams are entombed
My Bromford Doom
All dreams are of you
My Bromford Doom

Friday, June 07, 2024

Bromford and Tiger …

»What is going on, dude?«

I am opening my eyes.

The living room is a mess. The flatscreen t.v. has fallen from the wall. The couch table is broken, four broken table legs and the table top scratched and cracked. Torn cussions and curtains. Books and magazines, blu-rays and dvds scattered across the floor. Couch and armchairs fallen over.

I am sitting in the far corner of the room rubbing my forehead.

»What happened?«

The llama is standing in the door looking at the damages.

»I heard noises when I came from the staircases across the roof to the frontdoor. And in the hallway of the penthouse I was almost run over by a bouncing black and orange whirlwind. Again, dude. What has happened here?«

I breathe out long and heavily.

»Wow«, I say. »That was intense, almost insane. This one was the wildest candidate so far.«

»Oh«, the llama replies, »you had another interview with Bromford's next possible animal companion while I was doing the grocerie shoppings? Nice - not nice, dude.«

»It was a tiger. And I surely wasn't expecting this. I thought a tiger was a too dangerous to live with animal but this one was only wild. He called himself Tigger, the only one, and he said he liked to bounce and bouncing was what Tiggers could do best. And he was bouncing from the armchairs over the couch table to the couch and across the room. What a mess.«

The llama is pushing the shopping bags into the kitchen corner with its hind-legs.

»And how did you get this wild animal to leave the penthouse after all this rampage?«

»I don't know. He murmered something about hunger and some extract of malt he had to get from his Kanga. Then I had to sit down for a second.«

»Pooh«, is all the animal can answer to all of that.


Today is Friday, the 7th of June 2024

Monday, June 03, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 291

 Today is Monday, the 3rd of June 2024.

Now you are cheating just to get that next triple, said the otter to the t-rex.

How is it cheating if no one knows the rules? asked the t-rex.

Aren't all the rules in this world just made up? replied the otter.

Made up by whom? No rules, no rules, chanted the t-rex and extincted the next day.


"Bromford In Furs"

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Comes and bells, your servant, don′t forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Downy sins of streetlight fancies
Chase the costumes she shall wear
Ermine furs adorn the imperious
Severin', severin′ awaits you there

I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears

Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather
Shiny leather in the dark
Tongue of thongs, the belt that does await you
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Severin', severin', speak so slightly
Severin′, down on your bended knee
Taste the whip, in love not given lightly
Taste the whip, now plead for me

I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Severin′, your servant comes in bells, please don't forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart