Wednesday, July 27, 2022

O s …

You cannot candle the wind.

»Are you nuts?« I repeat Kylie's words. »The world is much too dry for open fires these days. You will burn the whole town, animal.«

The llama stays calm, just shrugs its' llama shoulders.

»Looks, like it worked.«

»What happened?« Kylie asks.

»Someone said something about hidden and secret messages and lemon juice came to my mind.«

The llama is grinning widely.

»Lemon juice?« Nigel asks. »Are you thirsty, KussKuss?«

Too may people in this room, I say to myself. And what about Professor Y we used to call Professor X. Why isn't be saying anything useful? And why didn't the animal just kiss Nigel for calling it by its' name? And isn't this day, this moment already way to long? I am kind of losing it…

»I am not sure it was lemon juice«, Professor Claude Sideburns we used to call Professor Burnside says.

The llams blows out the candle and hands over the green treasure map to the archaeologist.

»Or I am pretty sure it wasn't lemon juice«, the white-haired man continues. »But the soot of the candle flame blackened a substance that was kind of engraved in the pergamentic paper.«

Kylie, now fully back in her role as the assistant's assistant of the assisting archaeologist's assistant, adds, »I am not sure whether engraved is the right word here, Professor. Isn't it more like written on the pergament with a feather or something like that?«

»What's it say? What's it say?« Nigel demands to know.

»See for yourselves.«

The Professor shows us the green treasure map in a way that we can all see what the candle's soot has blackened…


»Wow!« Nigel says.

And my mind begins to wander. Somewhere I have seen a shape like this before.


Today is Wednesday, the 27th of July 2022.

 N O L E M O N

1 comment:

  1. Angus McGonagle, the gargling Argyle Gargoyle, is reading this blog. 👁‍👁‍👁‍
