Sunday, July 10, 2022

M acaronis …

"They've got no horns and they've got no tail

They don't even know of our existence.
Am I wrong to believe in a City of Gold
That lies in the deep distance, he cried and wept."

»What do the words mean this old man is reading out loud?« the llama asks looking over my and Professor Sideburns' shoulders.

»Who cried out loud?« Nigel the now assistant of the archaelogist's assistant adds.

»Maybe Bruno?« the animal wants to know.

»Too sad we don't talk about Bruno«, says Nigel.

»Could you stop this Bruno nonsense for a while, please?« I demand turning back to the professor. »What do you think these words mean?«

And Professor Sideburns we used to call Burnside murmurs, »I am not sure I have a clue, yet.«

»Look«, Kylie now standing across to us points out all of a sudden, »the treasure map has changed.«

And as we now put it front-side up on the living-room table we all can seen it.

The treasure map used to be green from the beginning but now it had suddenly turned blank green. Before the professor had turned it around you could see drawings of mountains and forests, rivers and maybe even roads. But all of this has disappeared now.

»Fascinating«, says Professor Sideburns. »We should have used gloves here. The chemistry of our fingers must have triggered something. Or maybe there are secret and hidden messages on this map.«

»Well, let's find out!«

And before we even know what's happening the llama grabs the treasure map, lightens a candle and is waving the pergamentic paper above the flame.

»Are you nuts?« I can hear Kylie scream.


Today is Sunday, the 10th of July 2022. 

Candles in the Wind

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