Sunday, March 20, 2022

Rabbits …

* When Jacques Futrelle drowned
with the Titanic his future was over.

- Who is Jacques Futrelle?

* Creator of Professor Augustus S. F. X.
Van Dusen - "The Thinking Machine" -
a fictional character in a series of
detective short stories and two novels.

- I think you say he sank with the

* What is the Titanic? A satiric

- You know very well what the Titanic
is, animal. It's a titanic ship.

* I think the iceberg was titanic.

- That word is so German. Iceberg.

* No, it is Klingon. Klingon is German.
Klingon is French. Sometimes Klingon
is Greek to me.

- Wanna end on a sad and kind of
dramatic note?

* Who cares?

- Futrelle died at age 37 on April 15,
1912, on the RMS Titanic. He refused
to board a lifeboat, insisting that his
wife board instead.

* As I said. And his wife later said the
last she saw of him was him smoking
a cigarette on deck with John Jacob
Astor IV.

- He perished in the Atlantic and his
body was never found.

* Sad. So sad.


Today is Sunday, the 20th of March 2022.

There is no art now.

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