Friday, January 07, 2022

Eachs …


»Not calling me Dude, animal?«

»Still not calling me by my name KussKuss? I am not that kissing monster I used to be anymore, Bromford.«

»Don't believe you.«


»Yes, animal?«

»I miss those fortune cookies.«

»Well, no fortune, no cookies. But I have to admit, I miss them, too.«

»And, Bromford, I miss protagonist and antagonist.«

»When did you ever inact with them - except those few times in the pre-Christmas phase?«

»Once or twice. Can't you bring them back? Please? Pretty please?«

»Don't show me your yellow llama teeth, animal. They kind of repel me, you know?«

»And I miss those cryptical messages.«

»What cryptical messages?«

»The likes of

Just One More to Fill the Gaps - The Book of Nora


Laura Is the One - The Book of Kevin. «

»Kevin might be home alone.«


»Nothing. Never mind. Maybe there is a cryptical message hiding in here somewhere.«

»In where, Bromford?«

»Inside this blockblog of mine, animal. No animals were harmed in the making of this blockbog.«

»I don't think so, dude.«


Today is Friday, the 7th of January 2022.

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