Saturday, April 17, 2021

Longer Minds …

Toad - Realization Time

* God makes daemons of us all.

- Do you think I am you daemon,

* Using my full given name, llama?
Not Brommy or human or dude?

- Always, Bromford Bibble, the man
who's called like the friendly town by
the sea and shoreside.

* The bay, animal, by the bay. Is it
time to cross the Bay Bridge?

- I don't know.

* As you said, I am a man. A man's
daemon, his animal companion is
supposed to be female. Are you a girl,

- I have not decided, yet.

* KussKuss?

- Yes, Bromford?

* Save the cheerleader.
Dave the world.

- There are other things to be done,
don't you think?

* No wet smacking kiss this time,
animal? And I think you are right.
Let's go.

- Shadows.

* What?

- Your daemos, they are called
shadows where I come from,
Bromford Bibble. And now wake up.

* Reflechtions in the windows. Yet,
no shadows. God makes daemons of
us all. And everything will turn to dust.

And the fortune cookie says,

There is nothing better 
than a friend who has cookies.

Today is Saturday, the 17th of April 2021.



Yes, protagonist?

What's that vibe?

What vibe? And why do you talk to me? I don't think you are supposed to talk to me, protagonist. You don't even have a name. So what is this conversation all about?

Never fluxxing mind.

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