Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Longer Futures …

Guest - The Last Evening

'Maniac Mansion. Maniac Mansion', the stumbling bird and the Zappageck are singing in unison. 'Our house is a maniac mansion.'

'Our house is a very, very, very fine house, with two cats in the yard', the polite but narcoleptic llama girl adds in a kind of spoken rap.

'Life used to be so hard, doodle', Marianne the doodle-hen tries to add. 'No everything is, doodle, easy, doodle, 'cause of, doodle, you, doodle, doodle, doodle…'

'Stop it, Marianne', the cat in the hat says. 'You are loosing it again.'

'And there aren't two cats in the yard', a pair of male twins in in black suits and white shirts with black ties and black bowler hats explains, 'only two scientists and inventors from the laboratory in the basement.'

'Peastone', the first brother introduces himself.

'And Peastone', the second brother adds.

'AND I AM A MIGHTY DINOSAUR!' the Zappageck shouts out while using a slide in the yard by sliding down in the snow without a sleigh but with a big orange safety helmet.

And the fortune cookie says,

Don't worry about things you cannot change.

Today is Wednesday, the 27th of January 2021.


What a strange company, the protagonist thinks. I wonder who is paying the rent.

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