Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Longer Eschatologies …

Did you have a favourite toy when you were a child? That one special toy you liked playing with the most? The one that was always there for you to comfort you, to accompany you, to bring you savely through the night and maybe protect you from the monsters in your closet and under your bed?

Mine was a plush dog called 'Floppy Ear' - kind of human-like, able to sit upright with hands and arms instead of front legs, with cross-eyed red plastic eyes and these typical long, hanging ears. A present from some Eastern European country that still existed at that time.

He was my companion since I was four or five years old. He watched over my sleep. And he travelled with me through the adventures in the land of dreams.

I am in a mood, I must admit, a really very sentimental one. And I am counting the years since 'Floppy Ear' came into my life.

I was never a child, the animal says, I was a cria and crias do not have toys. Crias are made to become llamas. And llamas are important beings. The Heavenly Llamas are said to drink water from the ocean and urinate it as rain and will return to the water springs and lagoons where they come from at the end of time.

And you, bloody fool, should stop watching those sentimental and animated Pixar movies of yours.

The animal was and is and always will be a spoilsport.

Today is Tuesday, the 9th of June 2020 - Happy B.Day, A. - one week after #BlackOutTuesday.

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