Monday, April 13, 2020

Longer Lives …

'Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is risen.'

'What did you say, animal?'

'I don't know, dude! Do you have an idea why some countries need two holidays to celebrate Easter?'

'Never thought about that, llama.'

'Easter Monday. If we knew the Bible a little better we might be able to tell the world what Jesus did on Easter Monday, what the desciples did, what Mary Magdalene did and what Hemione did.'


'Saint Hermione of Ephesus.'

I am rolling my eyes very loudly.

'Hermoine of Ephesus is is a 2nd-century Christian martyr venerated by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. She was the daughter of Saint Philip the Deacon. The Bible does not mention her name but says that Philip had four daughters. However, the Greek Menaion, an annual calendar preserving the memory of martyrs and saints does name her. In the Acts of the Apostles, Hermione and her sisters are called prophetess.'

'Did you pay your mobile bills, animal? Are you able to search the internet again?'

'Got me. But don't you think it's amazing how they - being the Pope and / or the Queen and / or all the other important people in the world - manage every year to schedule Easter Monday exactly on a Monday.'

Words, I say to myself, the llama is only using words.

'The second Christmas Holiday - some may call it Boxing Day but I think these someones are only boxing kangaroos - is also very well set, every year on the 26th of December. And all this although all of our appointment books are fuller than full.'

I turn on my flashlight and try to take a look at the animal inside or on top of the cabin down the elevator shaft.

'Everything alright down there, animal?'

'Everything will be alright, dude. Just give a sacrifice to Saint Hermione on my name day or her name day or your name day. But make it bloody and painfull.'

Today is Monday, the 13th of April 2020.

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