Monday, August 26, 2019

Indians in Bromford...

'They found another body with an arrow in his back.'

The llama is reading The Bromford Torch, the city's newest and latest newspaper.

'Somebody killed a highschool teacher in the Broms.'

'So', I ask, 'what do you make of it? Do you think there are Indians in Bromford?'

'Come on, dude', the llama says. 'What do you mean? Native Indians from the Asian sub-continent?'

'They are not really well-known for their archery down there in India, I think', I say.

'Are you sure?' the llama asks.

'OK, I was talking about the Native American Indians and their bows and arrows', I try to confess.

'It is all one big mystery', the llama says.

'Where is Kylie?' I try to change the subject.

'She's in the house', the llama says. 'She just moved into one of the apartments of 666 Whitaker Lane. But she is trying to keep it down. She tries to stay under the radar.'

'Why is that?' I ask.

'Do you know about the stalker she once had?' the llama asks. 'The one who hurt her former boyfriend Jamie and went to jail for it?'

'You are talking about this Heinz Sabantino guy?' I ask. 'She might have mentioned him once or twice.'

'Heinz has just been released from prison after serving a term for attempted rape, and has returned to his old neighborhood to resume his relationship with his demented mother', the llama says.

I do not like the sound of the animal's voice and the serious turn our conversation took.

'What are we supposed to do about it?' I ask. 'How can we help her? What can she do? What can we do?'

The llama answers; 'We need to be care- and watchful. I think for the moment that's all we can do.'

Today is Monday, the 26th of August 2019.

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