Thursday, June 21, 2018

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 14

Today is Thursday, the 21st of June 2018.

I start. I stop. I start and I stop. I am a living start-stop-automatic in person. What is a start-stop-automatic? I don't have the slightest clue... But who cares.

Whassesong? Whassesong? Whassesong?


I look down from my window
To the island where I'm held
They listen while you're sleeping
And darkness is itself
Tomorrow I'm disappearing
Cause the trees are amplified
The never ending broadcast
To which I do not aspire

Hear the mausoleum's fallen
And the perfect avenues
Will seem empty without you
And the pink light that bathed the great leaders
Is fading
By the time your sun is rising there
Out here it's turning blue
The silver rocket's coming
And the cherry trees of Bromford
I'm leaving

I feel like I'm floating
Processed in autotune
The never ending roll on
To the palace of the doomed
Temperature keeps falling
Soon there will be no lights
Just a red glow, glass coffin
Watched by someone through the night

Hear the mausoleum's fallen
And the perfect avenues
Will seem empty without you
And the pink light that bathed the great leaders
Is fading
By the time your sun is rising there
Out here it's turning blue
The silver rocket's coming
And the cherry trees of Bromford
I'm leaving

There will be no light
Someone through the night
Someone through the night

Hear the mausoleum's fallen
And the perfect avenues
Will seem empty without you
And the pink light that bathed the great leaders
Is fading
By the time your sun is rising there
(Years ago when we used to be rivals)
Out here it's turning blue
The silver rocket's coming
(Our youths' minds and arms)
And the cherry trees of Bromford
(Were bound for our own survival)
I'm leaving


  1. Pyongyang.
    Politisch ganz aktuell..

    1. The Answer Is... Wait For It... CO... Wait For It... RRECT !!!

      Blur - Pyongyang

    2. 42 songs about 29 different cities (and places):

      *** New York IIIIIII (including Manhattan III) ***

      San Francisco III
      Berlin III
      Budapest II
      London II (including Londinium I)
      Manchester I
      Galway I
      Malice I
      San José I
      Amsterdam I
      Barcelona I
      Scarborough I
      Atlantic City I
      Houston I
      Pompeii I
      Rome I
      Bethlehem I
      Chicago I
      Philadelphia I
      Waterloo I
      Memphis I
      Babylon I (Pompeii is in this part of the list so...)
      Los Angeles I
      Paris I
      Pyongyang I

      Not even a (real) city or place:
      California II
      Albion I
      Gomorrah I
      Essex I

      Very political, indeed. Reminded me of the movie Mars Attacks! But which of the two guys was the alien? The little big one or the orange dude? Creepy, indeed.
