Sunday, June 17, 2018

Siebzehnter Juni Zweitausendachtzehn ...

Today is Sunday, the 17th of June 2018.

Today is one day. And one day, one day becomes another.

Madame Hoodoo said she didn't want to be the older sister of Madame Voodoo and left New Orleans to go home to Africa. Why is it still called the black continent?

I have lost my mojo again. I haven't lost a talisman like an amulet or a small bag with protecting ingredients hidden underneath my clothes.

I have lost my whole magical thing. I have lost my beaver animagus skills. No more changellings. No more swimming in cold waters. No more building beaver lodges. Have you ever been a beaver lodger?

Get rid of that chainsaw…

And I have lost my storytelling skills. My mojo was called Orm but was only a stolen word from somebody who is a real author. Or was a real author? Was he even human? Because I think, in fact he left this earth a long time ago to return to his own home planet. Somewhere the capital city of the unknown sixth continent called Atlantis went years before him because it – the whole city – was in fact a gigantic spaceship.

Travellers where have you gone? Have you taken my mojo and my funny little stories with you?

And always remember…
Nobody likes penguins with spectacles…

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