Sunday, March 27, 2016


And every day on my way to work I meet Jesus in a camper van…

Well, it's not really a camper van. It's more like a rusty, old, green Volvo car. Not a small one. A station wagon. But surely not a camper van.

And I don't really meet Jesus. I just see him or rather spot him behind the wheel. And I don't even know him well enough to give him a short nod or any other kind of greeting. And there is no sign of recognition on his side either.

And last but not least I don't even really think he is Jesus. He is just a middle aged man with long, brown hair and a long and curly beard. Not a hipster for sure because he had this beard long before all these young dudes were even able to grow one.

And the hairy guy in the not camper van on my way to work will not resurrect from the dead three days after he died. At least that's what I hope – or believe in – for that would be rather scary.

Who was this Jesus guy anyway? First a corpse nailed to a wooden cross. And afterwards? Was he a walking dead? Was he a zombie?

That would be very disturbing.

Think about it…

Don't let the sun catch you cryin'…
Fetch your raincoat and face the sun…

A ghost of a mist was on the field
The Gray and the Green together
The noise of a distant farm machine
Out of the first light came

A tattered necklace of hedge end trees
On the southern side of the hill
Betrays where the border runs between
Where Mary Dunoon's boy fell

Easter here again, a time for the blind to see
Easter, surely now, can all of your hearts be free

Out of the port of Liverpool
Bound for the North of Ireland
The wash of the spray and horsetail waves
The roll of the sea below

And Easter here again, a time for the blind to see
Easter, surely now, can all of your hearts be free…

Oh you know

What will you do?
Make a stone of your heart?
Will you set things right
When you tear them apart?
Will you sleep at night
With the plough and the stars alight?

What will you do
With the wire and the gun?
Will set things right
When it's said and done?
Will you sleep at night
Is there so much love to hide?

Oh you know
Oh you know

What will you do?
Make a stone of your heart?
Will you set things right
When you tear them apart?
Will you sleep at night?
Is there so much love to hide?

Sing 'Never Again'

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