Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 341 & Part 342

Today is Wednesday, the 26th of February 2025.
One day or the other, said twenty-six butterflies circling the tawny owl's head, once in a while...
Stop circling, thought Twenty-Five the tawny owl. Stop turning. I am getting all dizzy.

Once in while, one day or the other there will be..., the butterflies' voices sounded like one,
kind of harsh, kind of hoarse, ... there will be another Wednesday. Be prepared!
And so twenty-six butterflies joined the eighteen bats, the ten more chicks, the two chicks, the twenty-five chicks, the seventeen penguins, the nine little red birds and the one little tawny owl…


"Pictures Of Bromford"

I used to wake up in the morning
I used to feel so bad
I got so sick of having sleepless nights
I went and told my dad

He said, "Son now here′s some little something"
And stuck them on my wall
And now my nights ain't quite so lonely
In fact I, I don′t feel bad at all

Pictures of Bromford made my life so wonderful
Pictures of Bromford helped me sleep at night
Pictures of Bromford solved my childhood problems
Pictures of Bromford helped me feel alright

Pictures of Bromford
Bromford, oh Bromford
Bromford, oh Bromford
Pictures of Bromford

And then one day things weren't quite so fine
I fell in love with Bromford
I asked my dad where Bromford I could find
He said, "Son, now don't be silly"

"She′s been dead since 1929"
Oh, how I cried that night
If only I′d been born in Bromford's time
It would have been alright

Pictures of Bromford made my life so wonderful
Pictures of Bromford helped me sleep at night

For me and Bromford are together in my dreams
And I ask you, "Hey mister, have you ever seen"
"Pictures of Bromford?"

"Bromford Nights"

Let me take you back to where it all began
Out there on the fast track
Where the mountains stand against the sand ... in L.A

Music every night, hung-over every day
I was gonna make the big time
I could feel it in my fingers when I'd play

I woke up in motel rooms under western skies
Living for the summer moon and the party life
There's nothing worse than L.A. Days
But those Bromford nights
They barely kept me alive

As the years rolled on the humor got really dry
If I played that terrible Eagles song
One more time I thought I was gonna die
The one man good night
Longing to seize the day
That big record deal in the sky
Surely was just a heart beat away

I woke up in motel rooms under western skies
Living for the summer moon and the party life
There's nothing worse than L.A. Days
But those Bromford nights
They barely kept me alive

I woke up in motel rooms under western skies
Living for the summer moon and the party life
There's nothing worse than L.A. Days
But those Bromford nights
They barely kept me alive

I woke up in motel rooms under western skies
When I think of the things I did on those party nights
I believe God's grace kept me alive ...
I believe God's grace kept me alive ...
I believe God's grace kept me alive .

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bromford and Moose ...


Another Sunday. Another election day on the planet of Klingon Prime. And now we have to deal with the outcomes.

»Are you satisfied with the results, dude?« asks the animal.

»Are you trying to make me break the secrecy of the ballot, animal?« I reply.

»I don't know what that is«, says the llama. »As you might have noticed I am a llama. I don't have the right to vote cause I am an animal. And animals don't vote. I have made a choice - good or bad - now and then but I have never been at a ballot box or at a polling station.«

»Do you think we have elected the right moose?«

»I don't know, dude«, the animal says, »I don't know. But let me answer with a famous quote of the famous word conductor Leonard F.W. Bernstein,

The moose’s harshest critics used to be moose themselves.«

Sometimes quotes are losing it in translation, I think to myself but I am too tired to think about it now. Let it be a thought for another day.


Today is Sunday, the 23rd of February 2025.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Bromford and Giraffe ...


»When I was a little boy…«

»Your Grandpa Ganter called pure clean water Goose Wine.«

»What? No.«

»Oh, never mind. It was just because we were talking about drinking milk the other day and about drinking too much and all the problems that milk abuse causes in this world today.«

»We were talking about what?«

»Your Grandma used to cut your hair?«

»What? What are you talking about, animal?«

»I just thought you wanted to tell me that when you were a little boy your Grandma White used to cut your hair and dressed you in blue shirts and wests and ties. And that at that age you used to be an apprentice of some kind of Doctor Moreau or even a Doctor Frankenstein and created a very strange kind of giraffe with more than one and too many necks. Or was it another kind of cow with brown and yellow spots and patches? I bet you were a peculiar little boy, Bromford, the creepy nerd or nerdy creep.«

»And you still wonder why I am still looking for a new animal companion, animal? Stop wondering. Just stop wondering.«


Today is Thursday, the 20th of February 2025.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 339 & Part 340

Today is Tuesday, the 18th of February 2025.

Maybe I should give this little animalistic caravan of mine some kind of purpose, Twenty-Five the little tawny owl thought while watching the orange lit streets of the crowded and dusty town of Bromford from the bare branches of a high tree.

Why are you sometimes looking like an eagle owl, oh Twenty-Five, our Uhu-guru? one of the many, many chicks sighed in its sleep.

So, the tawny owl asked himself, I am their guru now?

Not sure whether to accept this new role or not the owl continued following his thoughts.

If I am their guru, their leader, why not lead them to a land and world of evernight?  Why not fighting for a world without days. Wouldn't all we need and wouldn't all that makes everything well and better be a planet without sunlights, a world without days? Woudn't that be paradise for all nocturnal animals?

And so eighteen bats joined the ten more chicks, the two chicks, the twenty-five chicks, the seventeen penguins, the nine little red birds and the one little tawny owl…


"I Walk The Bromford"

When I walk through the Bromford
I get stuck in the middle
I can't see your love
I don't know your love

When I walk through the Bromford
I get stuck in the middle
I can't see your love
I don't know your love

Why won't you take me away?
Take me a day
Keep on rising higher

Why won't you take me away?
Take me a day
Keep on rising higher

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

When I walk through the Bromford
I get stuck in the middle
I can't see your love
I don't know your love

When I walk through the Bromford
I get stuck in the middle
I can't see your love
I don't know your love

Why won't you take me away?
Take me a day
Keep on rising higher

Why won't you take me away?
Take me a day
Keep on rising higher

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality

Hey, knock me
Picking on your own reality …

"Mission To Bromford"

Now I can say in less than a day
We'll be underway on our Mission to Bromford
Theoretical themes, radical schemes
Chasing our dreams on our Mission to Bromford
Tomorrow we'll say that this is the day
We'll be on our way on the Mission to Bromford

Say goodbye to all your friends
Now a whole new life begins
As the universe's mysteries unfold
And the audience back home is holding on
With bated breath
To hear the stories that are waiting to be told

Now I can say that this is the day
We'll be on our way on our Mission to Bromford
Theoretical themes, radical schemes
Chasing our dreams on our Mission to Bromford
Astrophysical plans, political sands
It's all in our hands on our Mission to Bromford
Sparks and quarks, they glow in the dark
They'll someday remark as a walk in the park
This Mission to Bromford
Now I can say this is the day
We'll be on our way on the Mission to Bromford
Now I can say that this is the day
We'll be on our way on the Mission to Bromford

Friday, February 14, 2025

Bromford and Cow …


»I have got a strange feeling that some kind of bird just called me fat and an alpaca, dude«, says the llama.

»How's that?« I ask.

»Maybe«, the llama is thinking out loud, »maybe it is because I kind of adapted your strange human behaviour to drink and use milk way over your infancy, milk-drinking and breast-feeding phase of life. But how does this bird know that I gained a little weight lately?«

I am rubbing my eyes. Again I have not got the slightest idea what the animal is talking about and not for the first time that we are knowing each other.

»So you are drinking milk now?«

»No way, dude! That is too human. And you know what the strangest thing is? You are not even drinking the milk of your own kind. You are abusing other animals by taking their milk, mainly cows and goats and even sheep some time. And you are making it rot… and… and… and…«

»Calm down, animal! You are not fat. And believe me, you worrying about what some kind of bird is thinking about you or calling you fat shouldn't be your main concern these times we are facing and living in.«

»Any news from Kylie?« the llama asks.

I am shaking my head thinking about the better times when I wanted to have a cow as my dearing animal companion.

»Maybe all of this is happening because you forgot about Valentine's Day, again«, the llama mumbles and later I can hear it drinking greater gulps of water from the sink in the kitchen.


Today is Friday, the 14th of February 2025.
Valentine's Day

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Snow Moon …

Listen to your nature, Twenty-Five heard the Snow Moon whisper.

What is my nature? the little tawny owl asked himself. Sure it is not just being trapped this way in a blockblog with all these other birds. And where are this Blockblog Bibble and his adipose alpaca? Aren't they supposed to be the main characters of this whole mod-damned, rotten thing here?

You are so wise, breathed the Snow Moon. And all those questions you are asking are so deep.

Get out of my head, the owl said grumpily and flew away into the afternoon. I am not wise. I am only hungry and tired.


Today is Wednesday, the 12th of February 2025

Snow Moon

Sister Moon, will be my guide
In your blue, blue shadows, I would hide
All good people, asleep tonight

Monday, February 10, 2025

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 337 & Part 338

Today is Monday, the 10th of February 2025.

No, no, no, said the little tawny owl. Not ten more chicks. You cannot come with us. You are hardly hatched, still rolling in your eggshells. Stay where you are, mature and come with us as a little more adult birds.

That's ageism! cheeped one of the first twenty-five chicks.

Little chicks can go everywhere they want, added one of the second two chicks. Little chicks are strong! Little chicks will rule the world!

Stay where you are then go back to the car, said one of the penguins.

You walker birds are talking so much nonsense. Wanna-be-waiters, chipped the little red cardinal birds addressing the penguins.

What a bunch of feathers and what a crazy chicken coop, thought Twenty-Five, our little tawny owl.

And so ten more chicks joined the two chicks, the twenty-five chicks ,the seventeen penguins, the nine little red birds and the one little tawny owl…


"Have You Ever Been To Bromford?"

Have you ever been to Bromford?
Have you ever been to Bromford?
Those Arkansas women
Born with beauty and grace

Up in the Ozark Mountains
The one they call Betty Jean
You can see God's country
Put a smile on your face

It's the land of my family
Down in Cleveland County
It's where my mama and daddy were born
Where the singin' pines grow

They got some hot spring water
Down in the Ouachita country
Wash away your misery
You feel like Henry Ford

Right off the scenic highway
Shake the hand of a farmer
Have a cool watermelon that weighs a hundred pounds
And in the Mississippi Delta land
They're growing rice and cotton
In the fields all week long
Saturday night in town

Yes, I love my people
And I'm proud of my raisin'
Sweet Arkansas memories until they leave me down

Have you ever been to Bromford?
Have you ever been to Bromford?
Those Arkansas women
Born with beauty and grace

"Collapse The Light Into Bromford"

I won't shiver in the cold
I won't let the shadows take their toll
I won't cover my head in the dark
And I won't forget you when we part

Collapse the light into Bromford
Collapse the light into Bromford

I won't heal given time
I won't try to change your mind
I won't feel better in the cold light of day
But I wouldn't stop you if you wanted to stay

Collapse the light into Bromford
Collapse the light into Bromford
Collapse the light into Bromford
Collapse the light into Bromford
Collapse the light into Bromford
Collapse the light into Bromford
Collapse the light into Bromford
Collapse the light into Bromford

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 335 & Part 336

Today is Sunday, the 2nd of February 2025.

Mr. Twenty-Five? another two more chicks asked the one little tawny owl.
Why are we always travelling at night and why are we travelling so slow?

That's because he is a nocturnal bird, interjected one of the little red cardinal birds.
And we cannot travel any faster because you and your chick siblings cannot fly. We have to walk because you are slowing us down.

And the penguins only take their waddling steps, added one of the chicks.

So we should go to the North Pole! all seventeen penguins shouted out in  unison.
'Cause everybody knows penguins can fly at the North Pole!

The tawny owl got very, very tired all of a sudden, just shook his head and hooted a little hoot.

And so two more chicks joined the twenty-five chicks, the seventeen penguins, the nine little red birds and the one little tawny owl…


"Down To Bromford"

Did you think that your feet had been bound
By what gravity brings to the ground?
Did you feel you were tricked
By the future you picked?
Well, come on down

All these rules don't apply
When you're high in the sky
So come on down
Come on down

We're coming down to the ground
There's no better place to go
We've got snow up on the mountains
We've got rivers down below

We're coming down to the ground
We hear the birds sing in the trees
And the land will be looked after
We send the seeds out in the breeze

Did you think you'd escaped from routine
By changing the script and the scene?
Despite all you made of it
You're always afraid of the change

You've got a lot on your chest
Well, you can come as my guest
So come on down
Come on down

We're coming down to the ground
There's no better place to go
We've got snow up on the mountains
We've got rivers down below

We're coming down to the ground
We hear the birds sing in the trees
And the land will be looked after
We send the seeds out in the breeze

Like the fish in the ocean
We felt at home in the sea
We learned to live off the good land
Learned to climb up a tree

Then we got up on two legs
But we wanted to fly
Oh, when we messed up our homeland
We set sail for the sky

We're coming down to the ground
There's no better place to go
We've got snow upon the mountains
We've got rivers down below

We're coming down to the ground
We hear the birds sing in the trees
And the land will be looked after
We send the seeds out in the breeze

We're coming down
Comin' down to Bromford
Like babies at birth
Comin' down to Bromford
Redefine your priorities
These are extraordinary qualities

We're coming down to the ground
There's no better place to go
We've got snow upon the mountains
We've got rivers down below

We're coming down to the ground
We hear the birds sing in the trees
And the land will be looked after
We send the seeds out in the breeze

We're coming down to the ground
There's no better place to go
We've got snow upon the mountains
We've got rivers down below

We're coming down to the ground
We hear the birds sing in the trees
And the land will be looked after
We send the seeds out in the breeze

Redefine your priorities
These are extraordinary qualities
To find on Bromford

Comin' down, comin' down
Comin' down, comin' down
Comin' down, comin' down
Comin' down, comin' down


Bromford's been good to me
Hope it don't fall into the sea
Sometimes you got to trust yourself
It ain't like anywhere else
It ain't like anywhere else

It's time to roll, I'm all done
It's time we better hit the road
I got work later on
It's time we better hit the road

Bromford's been good to me
Hope it don't fall into the sea
Sometimes you got to save yourself
It ain't like anywhere else
It ain't like anywhere else

Sundown, red skies
Nobody's been around
Sundown, blue eyes
I kinda like this party town

Bromford's treated me good
I pray to God that the hills flood
Sometimes you got to trust yourself
It ain't like anywhere else
It ain't like anywhere else
It ain't like anywhere else