Monday, January 29, 2024

Cha…Cha…Cha…Changes …

David Bowie is dead. Jeff Buckley too. They drowned and died in the wheel of a paddle steamer boat during a spontaneous, full clothed evening swim in the Mississippi River in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1997. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn were close friends. God bless you, Samuel Langhorne Clemens. And you Foghorn J. Leghorn, you fabulous rooster.

»What the hug are you writing there, dude?« complains the llama. »Your handwriting has become a mere scribble over the years, almost unreadable.«

»Hey, stop reading my diary, impertinent animal.«

»And what does this mean? They died in the wheel of a paddle steamer?«

»This may or may not be the truth. Would you have understood if I wrote 'drowned when they were caught in the wake of a passing boat'?«

»No-one wants to meet woke boats. You never know which feet they got up with, the good or the bad ones.«

»Animal«, I declare with a sad tone in my voice, »I have got to make some changes.«

»Mark the Twain«, the animal is shouting while I leave the living room with my laptop under my arm.


Today is Monday, the 29th of January 2024.

Steamboat Willie

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