Friday, November 24, 2023

F abrics …

»One morning after a long and exhausting feast with lots of pan flute music and dancing, vine and food I fell asleep under an old willow tree by a silver creek«, the black sheep continues its' story after a little while. »But I did not notice the circle of stones around the old tree which lay flat in the grass. And I did not hear the laughter of the wise and knowing owl that lived in a cave in the trunk.

The moment I had closed my eyes a Flower Moon in daylight uncovered from the white, fair weather clouds and activated the stone-circle as a portal into your world. Deep in my sleep I did not see and feel what was going on and when I woke up the Island of Greenlion and the City of Gold were gone. I was sitting under a much smaller tree by a wide open stone road.

Travellers were passing by with their carriages and handcarts hardly noticing me or trying hard to ignore me. Most of them seemed to see me only as an ordinary black sheep. Only a few seemed to recognize me as the faun I am.

And I got all excited. These were the foreign lands I had hoped to visit back in Greenlion. This was my opportunity to live and seek the adventures I was looking for. I travelled the wide open road but after a time everyone looked so strange to me. They had got no horns and they had got no tails. Most of them had never heard of us fairies and the Kingdom Greenlion of magical creatures. And no one wanted to hear my music.

Then came the day that Mommy Fortuna found me. She was an old crooked witch of little magical power who was travelling the land with her circus and travelling show putting all kinds of freaks and magical creatures on display. She called it 'Mommy Fortuna's Midnight Carnival - Creatures of night, brought to light!'

Most of her creatures were a fraud. She used her little magic power to make a shabby, toothless lion look like a Manticore, a poor old ape like a Satyre or a slowworm like the mighty Midgard snake that is encircling the whole world. Nothing but illusions and false images to trick the poor-minded who were easily convinced and eager for more and more attractions.

But Mommy Fortuna had luck - or besides me two other magical creatures had bad luck. She put me into a cage after she caught me asleep by the side of the road. The same way she got hold of my two neighbours in the cages next to mine. There was a real unicorn - one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen - and - kind of the opposite to that coin - a grim old scary Harpy with wings and long deadly claws.

Humans like you came to the Carnival to see us creatures and payed lots of money to do so. But they got bored and sick of us soon. I was only a freak that could talk, they said, some kind of publicity stunt. And they found other attractions in your world. Earning less and less money, Mummy Fortuna got addicted to cheap vine and careless in her magical spells on her prisoners. The Harpy - the unicorn used to call her Mommy Fortuna's caged death - used her weekness and her chance and broke free. She killed the old witch and escaped into the dark of night. The unicorn freed the other animals and creatures including me.

Since than I travelled the wide open road in search of another to share in my life. Another just like me. But I never found one. Years and centuries have gone by since and finally the nagging feeling of homesickness replaced my longing of Wanderlust. I have searched your whole world for the special places and times where magical connections between your and my world can appear. And now I am quite certain, I found one right here, right now.«

Bored of the life in the City of Gold
He'd left and let nobody know.
Gone were the towers he had known from a child,
Alone with the dream of a life
He travelled the wide open road,
The blinkered arcade,
In search of another to share in his life.
Everyone looked so strange to him.

They've got no horns and they've got no tail
They don't even know of our existence.
Am I wrong to believe in a City of Gold
That lies in the deep distance, he cried

And wept as they led him away to a cage
Beast that can talk, read the sign.
The creatures they pushed and they prodded his frame
And questioned his story again.
But soon they grew bored of their prey
Beast that can talk?
More like a freak or publicity stunt.

They've got no horns and they've got no tail
They don't even know of our existence.
Am I wrong to believe in a City of Gold
That lies in the deep distance, he cried

And broke down the door of the cage and marched on out.
He grabbed a creature by the scruff of his neck, pointing out:
There, beyond the bounds of you weak imagination
Lie the noble towers of my city, bright and gold.
Let me take you there, show you a living story
Let me show you others such as me
Why did I ever leave?

They've got no horns and they've got no tail
They don't even know of our existence
Am I wrong to believe in a City of Gold
That lies in the deep distance, he cried
And wept.

And so we set out with the beast and his horns
And his crazy description of home.
After many days journey we came to a peak


Today is Friday, the 24th of November 2023.

Transformation Part Two

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