Monday, October 30, 2023

R ace-courses …

As we come back to the frontyard of Brompton Castle KussKuss, the llama, Claude Sideburns who is not a professor for archaelogy and his servants Hildegard and Gerald who might or might not be his parents are still or again fighting and discussing.

»You are a traitor, Burnside«, the llama yells. »You have stolen the green treasure map. And you are trying to get rid of us to have all the riches and wealth and treasures we will find on the sunken island of Greenlion all for yourself.«

»My dear animal«, Claude Sideburns tries to calm down the upset llama, »didn't we agree that something we call an artificial intelligence made up this story out of nothing. I might be an imposter because I am not a professor for archaelogy but I am no frauding traitor.«

»No lunch for you today, camel«, Hildegard, the housekeeper says, »if you don't stop insulting my son… ehm… I mean my master Claude.«

»See«, Gerald, the butler, also tries to calm down the situation, »I have already torn the sheets of paper. It was just a misleading and false internet research of mine.«

I am clearing my throat.

»Are we interrupting something here?«

»Bromford! Dude!«

»Demon sheep! Demon sheep!« Hildegard, the housekeeper and or mother of Claude Sideburns shouts out as she spots our new friend Mr Tumbleweed, the faun-sheep or sheep-faun or just pure faun…

Bored of the life in the City of Gold
He'd left and let nobody know.
Gone were the towers he had known from a child,
Alone with the dream of a life
He travelled the wide open road,
The blinkered arcade,
In search of another to share in his life.
Everyone looked so strange to him.

They've got no horns and they've got no tail
They don't even know of our existence.
Am I wrong to believe in a City of Gold
That lies in the deep distance, he cried

And wept as they led him away to a cage
Beast that can talk, read the sign.
The creatures they pushed and they prodded his frame
And questioned his story again.
But soon they grew bored of their prey
Beast that can talk?
More like a freak or publicity stunt.

They've got no horns and they've got no tail
They don't even know of our existence.
Am I wrong to believe in a City of Gold
That lies in the deep distance, he cried

And broke down the door of the cage and marched on out.
He grabbed a creature by the scruff of his neck, pointing out:
There, beyond the bounds of you weak imagination
Lie the noble towers of my city, bright and gold.
Let me take you there, show you a living story
Let me show you others such as me
Why did I ever leave?

They've got no horns and they've got no tail
They don't even know of our existence
Am I wrong to believe in a City of Gold
That lies in the deep distance, he cried


Today is Monday, the 30th of October 2023.


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