Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Longer Fors …

I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain
Comin' down on a sunny day?

Very often lately to be honest.

Heaven opens the gates for an other soul when this happens, they say.

'He really does not know what to write', I can hear the llama-shaped dragon head say.

'Let him sleep', the Kylie voice answers, 'he's on holiday.'

'We have to invent a new mysterious heading for this blockblog post', says the Nigel head. 'What about

The Hearing And The Sense of Balance -
On Hearing The First Cuckoo In Spring.'

'Na', says the llama, 'that's not the same.'

And the fortune cookie says,

Success is in the hands of those who want it.

Today is Wednesday, the 19th of May 2021.


It is time for another update, the protagonist says.
We won't be available for the next eight hours or so.
Open up your window wide.

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