Monday, May 17, 2021

Longer Constructions ...

Off Ramp - On the Wings of Love

Fly on the wings of love.
Fly Baby Fly.

It is raining again. The spring of 2021 starts late and wet. What will we say about the second year of the COVID pandemic, the roaring twenties of the twenty-first century? Breaking the waves. Riding the waves. Drowning in the waves?


Three-headed dragon is speaking my name in a distance. But is this really my name?


"Bromford, I am going to leave the apartment now."

What should I do with this information?

"And when I will return on Wednesday, I hope everything is back to normal again."

Don't we all hope for normalness?

"Hope is not the right word, dude. I demand everything is normal again than."

And the fortune cookie says,

KussKuss longs for a cookie.

Today is Monday, the 17th of May, 2021.


An ultimatum is never a good plot-device, the protagonist thinks.
You cannot demand things to be the way you want them to be.

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