Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Longer Boats ...

Longer boats, said Emperor William, the third, we need longer boats, while trying to conquer France coming from Lake Constance and the river Rhine. Let's raise our glasses and do it like William, the third. Let's conquer the year 2020 like the Emperor once conquered La France.

What a strange toast, I think. But I can see Kylie and her son Nigel raise their champagne glasses, both with very awkward smiles. Ok, let's clink glasses, I think.

No, No, NO, the llama says. You are getting it all wrong. Not those glasses. I hate that bubbling beverage. Take off those glasses from your noses and raise them to the ceiling.

Stop being ridiculous, animal, I say. I do not even wear glasses.

OK. The animal is leaning over to my ear. It was just a test. I am quite shure that those two human performers over there do not exist. There are too many strangers in this penthouse if you want my opinion.

I grab the llama's neck and start tousling and ruffling its' head hair.

Come on, pal, I say, don't be like that. I wish you a happy new year and many more to come.

I am just being cautious, the llama says drinking the champagne in one big sip. Just being cautious.

And the fortune cookie says,

A strange experience enriches you life.

Today is Wednesday, the 1st of January 2020.

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