Sunday, February 17, 2019

What the fricking frick is a hoosier?

Today is Sunday, the 17th of February 2019.

Kylie is calling from Indiana. She is whispering. We are attending a lecture about history, the llama and I, she says. We have to be quiet. And in the background you can hear the narrative voice of an educational movie speak in a dark and dull tone. 

… And in 1492 the Finnish explorer and merchant Gustav Thorwaldson sailed a group of three ships West in behalf of the Finnish Queen, Sieglinde I.. He was sent out to find a new and save sea-passage to India. After almost two months in October 1492, Thorwaldson discovered the New World with his last remaining ship called The Hulda. A whole new continent he claimed for the great Kingdom of Finnland and called it New India. The continent was densily populated by native Indians, political incorrect people with light brown skin, all covered in feathers. Thorwaldson's first officer, Commander R. Kelly, wrote in is personal log-book, he believed they could fly … 

Fake news, you can hear the llama call out suddenly. This is all fake news or this is the most alternative of all alternative realities I have ever happened to go through. Be quiet, animal, you can hear Kylie whisper. For heathens' sake, be quiet. And this is where her latest phone call ends apruptly …

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