Monday, July 23, 2018

ဇူလိုင်လနှစ်ထောင်တဆယ်ရှစ်နှစ်ဆယ်-တတိယ ...

Today is Monday, the 23rd of July 2018.

Knock. Knock.

What happened to the doorbell?

» There is no doorbell! There isn't even a door! «

A very pale man in wavy black cloaks enters the hallway of my penthouse-apartment on the roof of the apartment-house on 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the shore and seaside.

» And who are you? « I ask.

» I am Lord Waldemar! «

Threatening with waving arms and swaying back and forth in a hot summer breeze the pale man is pointing a wooden stick in my direction.

» Oh! « I remember. » So you are the evil Lord Waldemar, the one my grandma always asks about, Why is this Waldemar so evil, Bromford? «

» Evil lies in the eyes of the beholder «, the evil Lord replies. » Can I have a drink now? «

And I cannot see why not.

After two or three shots of Gin he removes his cloaks and smiles a pale smile.

» OK «, he says. » To tell you the truth, my real name is not Lord Waldemar. My real name is Kevin. «

» Oh! « I remember. » So you are the Kevin from those movies, my grandma always asks about, Bromford, is this boy home alone? «

Kevin Lord or Waldemar Kevin or Kevin Waldemar or Waldemar Lord takes another sip.

» I do not know what we are doing here and I do not have the slightest idea what you are talking about. «

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