Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Noveno de maio De dous mil dezaoito ...

Today is Wednesday, the 9th of May 2018. It's a cold night. And the tea tastes like iron tonight, all metallic and bitter. But it is not really a cold night. In fact this really is not even night and a very warm spring.

* Why are you always contradicting 
what you are saying, dude?

- I am not saying anything, llama, 
I am writing.

* You know what I mean. 
So, dude, why are you always writing all these 
opposite things sometimes in one and the same 

I am too tired for one of our discussions, I think to myself. I am too tired tot hink about thoughts and things.

- Do you know what contradiction means, animals?

* Sure do, dude. That's when you squeeze things 
together like a rubber balloon or something like that.

Maybe the animal is right. Maybe we all have to compress our contradictions some time.

* But your tea is still bitter, right? 
Maybe the leaves were too big and too green.

Should have smoked them, I think. The best brown leaf in the whole Eastern Shire.

* What's your quest, dude? What are you hunting for?

- I don't know, animal. I don't know.

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