Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Fyftjin maaie Twee tûzen-achttjin ...

Today is Tuesday, the 15th of May 2018.

* Hey, old man. Do you remember
that giant-dwarf from that kangaroo
story you stole from Marc-Uwe Kling
the other day?

- Hey, rotten animal. When did you
start calling me an old man?

* That's not the point, old dude. Do
you remember Ülf?

- Who the frick is Ülf, hairy animal?

* Try to concentrate, old man. Ülf is
that giant-dwarf from that fictional
series of fantasy novels about the
wandering whore the kangoroo is
reading in one of the Marc-Uwe Kling

- The one I have stolen from him,
animal? Right, animal?

* Well, yes.

- No, I don't remember. What do you
want from me, lame llama?

* I have seen that giant-dwarf on the
big movie screen the other day. He
called himself Eitri in the Avengers
movie Infinity War. And he was
Tyrion Lannister from Game of
Thrones. Do you know Peter
Dinklage? And did you know that
Dinklage is a small town in Lowery
Saxony in the North of Germany?

- I really don't know what you are
talking about, annoying animal. And I
am wondering whether a furry animal
like you has to pay the full entry price
to the cinema or not.

* Oh, sorry, old man. I just wanted to
start a conversation here. But if you
are not ready or interested I will just
go outside and eat the vine tendrils ,
on your roof terrace. Have a life, old
man, as long as it may last…