Thursday, May 31, 2018

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 11

Today is Thursday, the 31st of May 2018.

And the band played on... and on... and on...

"Peace in Bromford"

We need peace in Bromford
What happened was wrong
We all feel betrayed
But we got to be strong

If the power that be
Let evil go free
You must understand
Don't play into their hand

We need peace in Bromford
Peace in Bromford

Don't need beating and shooting
Don't need burning and looting
Tonight we all pray
That our children are safe

This hurt and frustration
There is a heart realization
But how can we help
If we steal from ourselves

We need peace in Bromford
Peace in Bromford

Stay cool
Don't be a fool
Stay cool
Don't be a fool
Don't be a fool

Monday, May 28, 2018

Dalawampu't-ikawalo ng Mayo Dalawang-libong-labing-walo ...

Today is Monday, the 28th of May 2018.

I wanted to write a funny little story about my new neighbours in the apartment house on 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside – especially the one about Amy, the beautiful and interesting and mysterious woman from the 13th floor and her furry companion…

But I am too tired.

It is too hot.

It is too Monday.

And I have already forgotten my joke from Saturday's post…

Keep thinking about it…

And always remember…

Nobody likes clowny dances.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Kaksikymmentäkuusi toukokuussa Kaksi tuhatta kahdeksantoista ...

Today is Saturday, the 26th of May 2018.

I wanted to write a funny little story

about smelly animals, cats, rabbits, pigs,

llamas or something like that. But I am too

tired. It is too hot. And it is too Saturday.

And always remember...

Nobody likes funk-snakes.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 10

Today is Thursday, the 24th of May 2018.

Fallen, fallen, fallen is Bromford the Great...

Sing about it...

"Sweet Bromford"

Take my body, pull it down
Be the words upon my tongue
Oh sweetest queen of harlots

Let me taste your praise

Let me drown in you, let me feast
Let me ride your seven headed beast
Let me strip before you, and step back in your gaze

And I know there's a night
At the edge of this light
I'm coming home
Sweet Bromford
I'm coming home

Abomination of hearts and sea
Rain your terror down on me
Untame the blueness in these eyes, I'll be the shadow by your side

Oh goddess of unholy things
Bring me all your beauty brings
Show this wretched, weak apostate where his gods reside

And I know there's a night
At the edge of this light
I'm coming home
Sweet Bromford
I'm coming home

I bet your hills remember, your towers ring
All the tunes I used to sing
Let me try them on my lips again
You know I never miss a note

Oh dirty mother of whore and thief
I went away but time is brief
Let me spend all that is left with you
Until I have to float

And I know there's a night
At the edge of this light
I'm coming home
Sweet Bromford
I'm coming home

And I know there's a night
At the edge of this light
I'm coming home
Sweet Bromford
I'm coming home

I'm coming home
Sweet Bromford
I'm coming home

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Vingtième mai deux mille dix-huit ...

Today is Sunday, the 20th of May 2018. Pentecost Sunday. And I am wondering is the holy spirit a holy ghost?

My name is Bromford. I am a god. I am the Northern god of Thunder. I am the Northern god of Thunder and Lightning.

My sister broke my hammer the other day. My wonderful wiggling warhammer.

But back to my sister. She is a queen. She is the queen of hell. She is the queen of hell and death. But she is also a queen of elves but I broke up with her. I broke up with her after she destroyed our home planet Ansgar. I broke up with her after she destroyed our home planet Ansgar and my hammer as I might have mentioned before.

So I had to start searching for a new home. I had to start searching for a new home and I had to go to the planet of Nidavellir.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'What are you writing there, old man?'

The llama is wearing glasses for some dubious reasons and watching me over the frames while lying in its hammock.


I keep on typing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So I had to go to the planet of Nidavellir with a killer racoon fish disguised as a rabbit to visit Ülf the giant-king of dwarves who promised to forge me a better battle axe than Gimli's, the son's of a member of someone's company to find a dragon's treasure.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Remember, old man', the llama says. 'You tend to use long and complicated sentences after you have noticed that you tend to repeating yourself.'

Damn it, I think, the animal's right.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ülf is Eitri who is Tyrion, the imp of Kings Landing and Winterfell and the Wall and all around Easteros.

Dragon's treasure? My precious…

But I'll better go now because I feel a huge bolt of lightning rising my gullet like a giant belch…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The llama has left the hammock and tries to read my screen now.

'Who did you say is Tyrion Lannister?' I ask and close the laptop.

'You are wierd, old man. Really very wierd.'

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 9

Today is Thursday, the 17th of May 2018.
Thursty Thursday.
Thor's Day?
Thunder And Lightning, baby...

"The Sidewalks Of Bromford"

East Side, West Side, all around the town
The tots sang "ring around rosie", "London Bridge is falling down"
Boys and girls together, me and Mamie O'Rourke
We tripped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of Bromford

Things have changed since those days, some are up in "G"
Others are a wand'rers but they all feel just like me
They would part with all they've got, could they once more walk
With their best girl and have a twirl on the sidewalks of Bromford

East Side, West Side, all around the town
The tots sang "ring around rosie", "London Bridge is falling down"
Boys and girls together, me and Mamie O'Rourke
We tripped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of Bromford

When you hear it you will start waltzing on the streets...
One-Two-Three... One-Two-Three...

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Fyftjin maaie Twee tûzen-achttjin ...

Today is Tuesday, the 15th of May 2018.

* Hey, old man. Do you remember
that giant-dwarf from that kangaroo
story you stole from Marc-Uwe Kling
the other day?

- Hey, rotten animal. When did you
start calling me an old man?

* That's not the point, old dude. Do
you remember Ülf?

- Who the frick is Ülf, hairy animal?

* Try to concentrate, old man. Ülf is
that giant-dwarf from that fictional
series of fantasy novels about the
wandering whore the kangoroo is
reading in one of the Marc-Uwe Kling

- The one I have stolen from him,
animal? Right, animal?

* Well, yes.

- No, I don't remember. What do you
want from me, lame llama?

* I have seen that giant-dwarf on the
big movie screen the other day. He
called himself Eitri in the Avengers
movie Infinity War. And he was
Tyrion Lannister from Game of
Thrones. Do you know Peter
Dinklage? And did you know that
Dinklage is a small town in Lowery
Saxony in the North of Germany?

- I really don't know what you are
talking about, annoying animal. And I
am wondering whether a furry animal
like you has to pay the full entry price
to the cinema or not.

* Oh, sorry, old man. I just wanted to
start a conversation here. But if you
are not ready or interested I will just
go outside and eat the vine tendrils ,
on your roof terrace. Have a life, old
man, as long as it may last…

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 8

Today is Thursday, the 10th of May 2018. It's Father's Day. And something else I don't want to comment. Or do I? Maybe an astronaut flew to the skies some two-thousand years ago. But let's go back to this Father's Day thing. Is Father's Day an international holiday? Or is it a Klingon thing? I am tired and confused, not unusual these days...

And now for something completely different...

"Conspiratory Visions Of Bromford"

Sorrow is back in your eyes
Pulling us to the depth
We could have lasted like planets
But your weight dragged us both to our death
They've been sober around you
And I truly believed it'll suffice
But you're an addict for torture
And the sorrow is back in your eyes

The minor sonatas of Beethoven
Roll through your hips
But the words you are aching to sing
Are glued to your lips
They've been burning the wrongly accused
While you silently dance
But your beauty was such
That they all gladly stood in line for the chance

The amber around you
Has stiffened your thought and your limb
You're a fossil of love
A relic, an echoing hymn
The purity that once you delivered
Dissolved into sand
Lot has escaped and is dancing
But you're hardly able to stand

You won't work off your debt
Until you strip to your heart and your bone
The love that was once in your veins
Will dry into stone
The mist and the fog
Will densen themselves to a wall
And you'll finally sing
But I won't be there to hear your call

Keep the mood and keep singing...

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Noveno de maio De dous mil dezaoito ...

Today is Wednesday, the 9th of May 2018. It's a cold night. And the tea tastes like iron tonight, all metallic and bitter. But it is not really a cold night. In fact this really is not even night and a very warm spring.

* Why are you always contradicting 
what you are saying, dude?

- I am not saying anything, llama, 
I am writing.

* You know what I mean. 
So, dude, why are you always writing all these 
opposite things sometimes in one and the same 

I am too tired for one of our discussions, I think to myself. I am too tired tot hink about thoughts and things.

- Do you know what contradiction means, animals?

* Sure do, dude. That's when you squeeze things 
together like a rubber balloon or something like that.

Maybe the animal is right. Maybe we all have to compress our contradictions some time.

* But your tea is still bitter, right? 
Maybe the leaves were too big and too green.

Should have smoked them, I think. The best brown leaf in the whole Eastern Shire.

* What's your quest, dude? What are you hunting for?

- I don't know, animal. I don't know.

Friday, May 04, 2018

მეოთხე მაისი ორი ათას თვრამეტი ...

Today is Friday, the 4th of May 2018.

May the Fourth be with you. Or may it be the Force? Feels like I have made this joke a thousand times before.

I went to the Outer Rim this week and met some kids with certain Force abilities in some weird space bar. It is really sad that no-one will teach them how to become a Jedi these days. But I met some headhunters who still remember that Han Solo shot first.

May the Force be with you. And some day you will meet the light, Saber…

And always beware the Space Llama...


Thursday, May 03, 2018

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 7

Sometimes more is less is less is more...

"Going Back To Bromford"

I've been struggling up here, child, trying to make a living
Everybody wants to take, nobody likes giving
I wish I was in Bromford back home there with my Mama
The only clothes I got left that ain't rags is my pajamas
No brotherly love, no help, no danger
Just a great big town full of cold hearted strangers

I went hungry in New York and Chicago was no better
But today, my dear mother wrote and told me in her letter
Son, come back to Bromford and live here with your Mama
You can walk down Beale Street, honey, wearing your pajamas
You know home folks here, we let do just what you want to
And I born you and raised you right here on the corner

I'm going to leave here in the morning and walk down to the station
I've got just enough money to pay my transportation
I'm going back to Bromford, back home with my Mama
If I have to ride that bus barefooted in pajamas
Back home in Bromford, no moaning and groaning
I know everything will be all right in the morning
