Saturday, November 12, 2016

8 - Deamondi-pavlova...

Polar lights?

Where are all the Polar lights?


My name is not Bromford Bibble.

There is no snow.

There is rain.

Why do they call autumn the 'colourful' season?

Autumn is a thief, a thief of colours.

The days are getting short and shorter.

Twilight and darkness crawl across the land.

And in the dark all cats are grey.

Is this even a real English saying?

And thoughts keep murmuring in my brain.

Thoughts, almost memories in the back of my head.

Memories of places far away and times long, long gone.

Images of snow, a dark threat, a quest, companions

and a family…

It takes a village to raise a child.

Dark Eaters…

What are Dark Eaters?

Are these my own thoughts, memories and images?

Does it smell like snow?

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