Tuesday, November 29, 2016

25 - Whirlissimo...

Don't be ridiculous, Nanuk always heard his Grandpa Green Sleeve say to his Grandma White Feather. All these animals are African. How is our little boy from the polar region supposed to know African animals?

But Grandma White Feather used to smile silently. What does Grandpa Green Sleeve know?

We are living in the age of express flights from one point of the world to another, husband. We are living in the age of internet and smart phones and not in ancient times any longer, she said. How is our grandson not supposed to know African animals? He is part of the big global world. Africa is only a mouse click or a fingertip away. It's like magic.

And Nanuk still hears Grandpa Green Sleeve's roaring laughter ringing in his ears.

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