Wednesday, April 13, 2016

7 Days…



Did I just write 'already'?

Did I already write 'all ready'?

All ready on Wednesday?

I think I don't like Wednesdays.

Call it 'Middleday' because it's the middle of the week.

Why not call the day 'Middleweek' like those Krauts do?

I don't like Mondays.

I don't like Fundays.

But the worst of them all is Thursday.

The world will end on a Thursday.

Or as the famous German philosopher Marius-Müller Western-Hagen once wrote,

'die welt geht unter… die welt geht unter… an einem Donnerstag…'

So I will call it 'Worstday' from now on.

And what about the rest of them?

Seven days like seven dwarves.

The seventh son of a seventh son.

Is very special, you know.

This is the story of seven brothers.

We had the same father but different mothers.

But there weren't seven brides for seven brothers.

I knew I had to get rid of the others.

'Seven Days' was all she wrote

A kind of ultimatum note

She gave to me, she gave to me

When I thought the field had cleared

It seems another suit appeared

To challenge me, woe is me

Though I hate to make a choice

My options are decreasing mostly rapidly

Well we'll see

I don't think she'd bluff this time

I really have to make her mine

It's plain to see

It's him or me

Monday, I could wait till Tuesday

If I make up my mind

Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind

Friday'd give me time, Saturday could wait

But Sunday'd be too late

The fact that he's six feet ten

Might instill fear in other men

But not in me, The Mighty Flea (flee?)

Ask if I am mouse or man

The mirror squeaked, away I ran

He'll murder me in time for his tea

Does it bother me at all

My rival is Neanderthal, it makes me think

Perhaps I need a drink

IQ is no problem here

We won't be playing Scrabble for her hand I fear

I need that beer

Monday, I could wait till Tuesday

If I make up my mind

Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind

Friday'd give me time, Saturday could wait

But Sunday'd be too late

Seven days will quickly go

The fact remains, I love her so

Seven days, so many ways

But I can't run away

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Do I have to tell a story

Of a thousand rainy days since we first met

It's a big enough umbrella

But it's always me that ends up getting wet...

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ!
    They let me out of the psychology corner
    and put me into the Christian / bible / church and faith one...
