Thursday, January 28, 2016

Cow tipping…

"I know what you did last Sunday."

Hesitating. Almost in shock. My eyes flickering. Secretly gazing over to the bartender but he didn't say anything. Not yet.

"Where have you been last full moon?"

It was on Sunday I learned. I am grabbing the cup of meaty soup wiping blood and hair from my mouth.

"I've been around."

Hardly understood, breaking bread and dipping it into the lumpy soup. Swallowing greedily without chewing.

"It's just because I've heard about your issue."

Full moon? Were-wolves crossing my mind. Although I prefer the expression 'were-person'.

"I've been in the fields and meadows cow tipping."

"Cow tipping?"

I am grunting and slurping and smacking. This bread and soup must be the best dish I've had in years or maybe a month. I am always so hungry the weeks and days before and after full moon.

"Cows fall asleep standing upright on their three legs. And when you sneak upon them without waking them up especially in full moon nights you are able to throw them over with only one tip of one of your fingers. That's what I did and do on full moon nights in full moon lights."

Doubts and skepticism on his face.



"In the fields and meadows?"

Nodding again.

The cup is empty. Clanging it on the counter. Asking for more.

He's not moving. His face is all question marks.

"But, it's winter outside, dude. The ground was frozen. Fields and meadows were covered in snow last Sunday. Cows save and sound in their stables. No cows to tip in the outside, man!"

Time to go. Time to leave. Snow is melting like my cover. Not even trying to invent a cover story about a really very rare species of snow cows I was exploring. The ones all white you can hardly see or spot in snow and winter, you know.

"Urban legends, dude!"

Did I really like it better when he used to call me 'Sir'?

"The practice of cow tipping is generally considered an urban legend, as cows do not sleep standing up, and the implication that a cow can be pushed over and not stand up again is incorrect, as, unless injured, cows routinely lie down and can easily regain their footing. They are far too heavy to bring them down with only one finger tip. So where have you been last full moon?"

Maybe it's time to tip the bartender. Should watch out where and how he falls asleep.


Banknotes on counter.

And off we go.

Growling deep inside.

And the hunger gnaws on.

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