Monday, January 18, 2016


- They all died at 69.

# Back in the summer of '69, Sir?

- No. Bryan Adams is still alive. At least I hope he is.
And he is not 69 years old yet.
The others, they died at the age of 69.

# Who died, Sir?

- Lemmy Kilmister, Achim Mentzel,
David Bowie and Alan Rickman.

# Who is Achim Mentzel, Sir?

- The Mick Jagger of the East. But never mind.

# Sorry to correct you, Sir,
but Lemmy Kilmister wasn't 69 when he died.
He turned 70 only four days before he passed
away on December, 28th 2015.

- Shut up, bartender! You are ruining my
conspiracy theory. From now on everyone will
die at the age of 69. And no one will reach the
age of 70 from this year 2016 on. I saw that on
the bottom of my empty glass. And now stop
wiping those glasses with that dirty cloth.
Fix me a drink, make it a strong one.

# Glasses and lasses are brittle ware, Sir!

- Aye, as you say Mr. McGuffin*…

* Or as Alfred Hitchcock explained in an interview with François Truffaut in 1966

"It might be a Scottish name, taken from a story about two men in a train.
One man says 'What's that package up there in the baggage rack?',
and the other answers 'Oh, that's a McGuffin'.
The first one asks 'What's a McGuffin?'.
'Well', the other man says, 'It's an apparatus for trapping lions in the Scottish Highlands'.
The first man says 'But there are no lions in the Scottish Highlands',
and the other one answers 'Well, then that's no McGuffin!'.
So you see, a McGuffin is nothing at all."

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