Friday, November 05, 2010

Hello, World...

Are you reading me? What brought you here? Only an accident? Only a coincidence? Did you search for something completely different and landed in my blog about nothing? Do I have more than two regular but hidden readers?

By the way, this is no blog about terrorism. I can't and don't explain how to build and improve atomic bombs. And there is only one blog commentary terrorist in this blog whom I know to well. So far...

I'm afraid most of the clicks from Germany are from me. But I swear I've never been to the United States of America nor to Iraq nor the Russian Federation nor Canada nor the United Kingdom nor India nor South Africa nor Singapore nor Brazil nor France nor Slovenia...

Do you understand German? Sometimes I think I don't. Do you really read what I am writing? Do I have readers? How did you get here? Did you enter "Bromford" into the google search machine? Or "Bibble"? Or "Bromford Bibble"? Is there a town called Bromford? Or a guy called Bibble?

Don't just come by! Stay and read and enjoy yourself!

Why don't I have any followers yet? Do I want to have followers? There's someone behind me! Somebody is watching me. Somebody is following me...


Oh, how I wish would shut down these confusing statistics...

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