Saturday, March 01, 2025

Bromford and Zebra ...


»Is it black with white stripes or is it white with black stripes?«

»Again, my dear llama«, I am all and personified politeness today, »I don't know what you are talking about. But please try to behave. We are having a guest for carnival this year.«

The llama is rolling its eyes.

»More like impersonated politeness, dude. Carnival? You mean like Mardi Gras? Feels more like carnivores all around us, dude. And I am talking about the greatest secret of zebras of all time, of course. Black with white stripes or white with black stripes? And? And? And? What is it? What is it? What is it?«

»Kylie called from the North Pole the other day.«

»Are you trying to change subjects here, dude?«

»No way, animal. She said they discovered a very rare species of zebras at the North Pole.«

»No way, dude. Sounds so very interesting. I can't wait till you tell me all about it.«

»Stop sounding so sarcastic, animal! The snow zebra - and stop rolling your eyes, yes that's what it's called - the snow zebra is white with white stripes. That's why it wasn't discovered until recently. It was all to well hidden in all that ice and snow at the North Pole.«

»I think you wrote about those animals before in this little, shabby blockblog of yours, human. And what does your guest, this other zebra think about all of this?«

»What zebra, animal?«

»The one with the four legs and the pyjamas over there, dude.«

»Oh, you mean my guest for carinval this year, animal? But that's no zebra. That is only a disguise. And a very good one if you don't recognize it. That is a pony dressed up like a prisoner in…«

»… black and white striped pyjamas.«

More eyes rolling and they would plop out of the llama's face and head.

»Ha, ha. What a joke - NOT. Ta, ta. Ta, ta. Ta, ta. Let the fanfares roll!«


Today is Saturday, the 1st of March 2025.

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