The animal comes over to the armchair I am sitting in and puts its chin on my shoulder.
»Does this mean«, the animal asks with a sentimental shiver in its voice. »Does this mean the casting is over? Does this mean you finally found your perfect match, your ideal animal companion? Does this mean I can stay and there will be no more new candidates?«
I take another sip of tea and zoom in on the picture of the hairy dude and the llama by his side.
»In other cases and situations this is what they call a truce. Let's call it a truce. Let's postpone my search for a new animal companion till after the upcoming Holidays.«
»It's the most wondrous time of the year.«
The llama is warily moving its head away from me.
»Some call it wonderful«, I add. »This picture is only the first of a whole series of pictures in the upcoming Christmas countdown.«
»Oh«, the llama says, »I see. It's that time of the year again. It's time for a - let's call it - 'advent's calendar. What is it this time?«
»I am going to tell you a story«, I say.
»About a Bromford and a llama?«
I am nodding.
»A crazy story which makes little or no sense?«
I am still nodding.
»And there are going to be songs about cities someone - let's call someone 'doggy-picture' - has to guess - or let's call it 'google' - the names for?«
I cannot stop nodding.
»And this story of yours, what are its settings going to be? Fiction, reality-report, political documentation?«
»Let's call it a fairy tale«, I say closing the laptop, »the fairy tale of Bromford, the bard.«
»I cannot await it but I guess I will have to. Or should I replace the word 'await' with 'avoid'?«