Friday, April 14, 2023

E armarks ...

But you still remember that this blockblog is supposed to have an on-going story, don't you?

OK, what happened before this weird or not so weird whish a dish thing?

The sheep discovered a sign in the mud with their strange stepdancing moves.

Do you say discover when they uncover something?

Dancing sheep? Is that normal?

Dancing sheep
Young and sweet
Only seven-teen…

Folks! Concentration, please!

But are dancing sheep realistic?

Spread food around and they will form you every picture or message you want with their curley bodies.

When you are a shepherd.

Or a sheep dog.

Is a German shepherd always a dog or sometimes a person from Germany who is looking after sheep?

What's an Alsatian? And why do sheep look like clouds?

Sometimes. Not after sheepshearing.

Sharing a sheep? Why should I want to share a sheep?

I thinks this is about Ed Shearing, the English singer-songwriter.

Folks!? What about the story-arc? Aren't you interested in the treasure-hunt? The hidden signs? Greenlion, the sunken land and island?


To be honest…

…not really, I must admit.

Just breathe in and count slowy to ten… One... Two… Three…

TEN !!!


Today is Friday, the 14th of April 2023.

Treasure Sheep

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