Thursday, March 30, 2023

R acoons …

»French Toast with Lavender Chutney!«

»Now you are just making things up.«

»And if I not? Let's say this Blockblog of yours has become a foodblog. Everbody is sharing these days.«

»No way, animal. No way!«


Today is Thursday, the 30th of March 2023.

French Toast with Lavender Chutney

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

E arlys …


»Clue de what?«

»Cul-de-sac, that's what I said«, I say. »This so-called Brompton Castle lies at the end of a cul-de-sac.«

»Haggis with vanilla ice.«

»Wishing a dish again?«

»It is still like in that old fairytale.«

»The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack by the Brothers Grimm?«

»Don't have a clue in the sack.«


Today is Tuesday, the 28th of March 2023.

Haggis with Vanilla Ice

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

T able-spoons …

»Mashed potatoes with cranberry sauce! « Not-Professor Sideburns, the llama and we used to call Burnside, shouts out.

»What are you doing?« the llama asks.

»Whishing a dish as the sign says«, says Claude Sideburns.

»Didn't you just have a a sumptuous breakfast?«Hildegard, his cook and housekeeper, asks furiously.


Today is Wednesday, the 22nd of March 2023.

Mashed Potatoes with Cranberry Sauce

Monday, March 20, 2023

M acaroons …

Nigel is excitedly jumping up and down.

»Look! Look! Look! The black sheep is waving another sign.«

»What does it say? What does it say?«

Kylie goes tiptoe to look out of the window.

»Wish a dish?«

What is that supposed to mean?


Today is Monday, the 20th of March 2023.

Wish A Dish

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 241

Today is Saturday, the 18th of March 2023.

Too early to invent new things.
Is a koala bear a real bear or is
it a bearlike arboreal Australian
marsupial that has thick gray fur
and feeds on eucalyptus leaves?

Mmmm, eucalyptus leaves...

Sing it away, Elton...



It's a case I guess of paradise lost
Ten years back on the hands of the clock
In that little house on Bromford
On your old block
Sometimes the magic of the past is all we've got

Just you and me at a crossroads then
Ain't it funny how we were old friends
Accidentally thrown together
Did we intend
To be the romantic novel you never want to end

And it's the contact of the eye that meets across a crowded room
And how I kind of wound up the lyrics to your tune
You said, 'Funny but it feels like I've known you all my life
And how it might feel to kiss you on the mouth tonight'

In between the Star of David and the California moon
The Santa Ana winds blew warm into your room
We were crazy, wild and running
Blind to the change to come
In that little house on Bromford
We'd wake at the break of dawn
In an Indian summer gone

In the candlelight I can recall
Your naked shadow looking ten feet tall
Like a wild pony dancing
Along the wall
Off balance I found love the only place to fall

Friday, March 10, 2023

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 240

 Today is Friday, the 10th of March 2023.

There is nothing better than a good old-fashioned jump-scare,

said the hare to the bear.

Or anything better?

But we have left the Garden of Eden.

🌻🌻🌻 And don't forget to wear

some flowers in your hair ... 🌻🌻🌻

Too much of a hint?



I never will forget Jeanette MacDonald:
Just to think of her, it gives my heart a pang
I never will forget how that brave Jeanette
Just stood there in the ruins and sang, and sang:

Bromford, open your golden gate
You'll let nobody wait outside your door
Bromford, here comes your wandering one
Saying, "I'll wander no more"

Other places only make me love you best
Say that you're the one in all the Golden West
Bromford, here comes your wandering one
Never to roam again, never to roam again

Right when I arrive, I really come alive
And you will laugh to see me perpendicular, hanging on a cable car

Let me beat my feet up and down Market Street
I'm gonna climb Nob Hill, just to watch it get dark from the top of the mark

There's Brooklyn Bridge, London Bridge and the Bridge of San Luis Rey
But the only bridge that's a real 'gone bridge, is the bridge across the bay

Bromford, I'm coming home again
Never to roam again, by god
Bromford, I don't mean Frisco
Bromford, here I come!

Sunday, March 05, 2023

E arls …

»This is not natural«, the llama shouts out. »Demon sheep! Demon sheep!«

And Claude Sideburns who is not called Burnside and not really a professor joins the animal's panic.

»Read the signs? Read the signs?« he mumbles loudly. »What signs? There is only one sign. And it reads, Read the sign. «

But is this true? Is there only one sign?

I am turning my head towards the circle the sheep danced into the muddy front yard of Brompton Castle.


Today is Sunday, the 5th of March 2023.

Signs in the Mud

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 239

Today is Thursday, the 2nd of March 2023.

Oh, when the hares come marchin' in...
Oh, when the hares come marchin' in...

What is a March Hare?
A cousin of the Easter Bunny?


"Holidays In Bromford"

Did you ever feel that just by jumping on a plane
All your cares would drop away
And you'd be born again
Returning to a nature child
Happy wild and free
But forgetfulness is a river
And you know where the river leads

Holidays in Bromford
Life before the fall
See no, hear no, speak no evil
Feel no guilt, feel no guilt at all

Naked through the jungle
Mud between your toes
Following the river
Where the river flows

The creatures of the forest bid you
"Welcome to the dark"
Nothing here can hurt you
Darkness has no heart

Holidays in Bromford
Paradise regained
See no, hear no, speak no evil
Throw your past away

You wake up one morning
Wondering who you are
There's a map of a new country up on the wall
All your new lovers merge into one
You've done everything under the sun
There's a date on the air ticket
And the money's gone

Back in your own country
Nothing seems the same
No one comes around at night
Or uses your new name

Hearing silent whispers
Old friends are acting strange
No one wants to know you now
People say you've changed

Holidays in Bromford
Life before the fall
See no, hear no, speak no evil
Feel no guilt at all

Holidays in Bromford
Paradise and light
Heaven loses you to this world
Leaves you alone
Kiss your home goodbye

(She says she's lonely)