Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 203

Today is Tuesday, the 26th of April 2022.

It's your birthday, and I cry if I want to...
said the skunk to the punk
and danced a wild birthday-pogo in a trunk.

Did you meet Heath Ledger, asked the badger.


 "St. Bromford"

I wish you comfort, wish you joy, St. Bromford
Like any other boy
May you be tranquilized and calm, St. Bromford
No one will do you harm
Hypersensitive as you are, St. Bromford
No one would go so far
Different from the norm, St. Bromford
Yet in a uniform

No one was ever born
Like you

And how they tortured you, St. Bromford
And the torture is not yet through
You're not the man you were before, St. Bromford
Since they kicked you out that door

I hear the engine roar for you

How beautiful you are, how beautiful you are
My sleeping star

Sail away, sail away, sail away, St. Bromford
I'll be your mate today
May you be tranquilized and calm, St. Bromford
No one will do you harm

Recover in my arms for now

How beautiful you are, how beautiful you are
My sleeping star

Friday, April 22, 2022

T abs …

»Does a penthouse have an attic?«

The living room is a mess - papers, books and open wooden chests everywhere and a llama in the midst of it. A llama? Didn't you just say the llama was only an invention? - Who is asking this? Are you asking? Am I?

»What are you doing, the animal, I like to call the llama or simply llama?«

»I discovered these old wooden chests in the attic, Bromford Bibble, the human I like to call dude or simply douche.«

Douche? Where does this come from? Is your invention insulting you? Is it?

»What attic, animal? This penthouse above the fifteenth floor of the apartment building in 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford the friendly town by the bay and seaside has got a flat roof and no attic«, I say.

»Does it matter, dude? Does it really matter? I found these mysterious wooden chests. If not in the attic let's say I found it in the basement or the cellar… And now, I am looking for forgotten treasure maps or lost treasures or all of it at once.«

Somewhere in the distance a trumpet is playing a fanfare.

»It is a trombone, dude.«

Somewhere in the distance a trombone is playing a fanfare.

»Seriously, llama, you cannot tease an Indiana Jones like treasure hunt and adventure story if you do not want to tell it.«

»Who is this Mister Jones?«

»A professor for archaeology and famous treasure hunter, son of James Bond and some kind of ancestor to his great-grand-niece Lara Croft and distant cousin to Jack Reacher.«

»Croft reacher, dude?«

»Clean up this mess, animal, before I get mad.«

»Tease the teaser…«

Dear Bromford Bibble,

today is going to be a good day! And here's why…

because the llama is going to clean the living room.

»But all the treasure maps, Mister Bibble!«


Today is Friday, the 22nd of April 2022.

And the fortune cookie says,

If you can read this you can read.


Sir, your llama just bit Ted Kennedy.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 202

Today is Monday, the 18th of April 2022.

I know a sloth. His name is Flash, Flash Slothmore. He works at the Department of Mammal Vehicles.

Do you thinks mammals need a driver's license? I think the skunk who is driving the bus should pass a test and get one. And it should should take an anti-stress course. Just in case... Just in case...



"4th Of July, Bromford (Sandy)"


Sandy, the fireworks are hailing over Little Eden tonight

Forcing a light into all those stony faces left stranded on this warm July

Down in the town, the Circuit's full of switchblade lovers, so fast, so shiny, so sharp

As the wizards play down on Pinball Way on the boardwalk way past dark

And the boys from the casino dance with their shirts open like Latin lovers on the shore

Chasing all them silly New York virgins by the score


And Sandy, the aurora is rising behind us

This pier lights our carnival life forever

Oh, love me tonight, for I may never see you again

Hey, Sandy girl

My, my, baby


Now, the greasers, ah, they tramp the streets

Or get busted for sleeping on the beach all night

Them boys in their high heels, ah, Sandy

Their skins are so white

And me, I just got tired of hanging in them dusty arcades, banging them pleasure machines

Chasing the factory girls underneath the boardwalk

Where they all promise to unsnap their jeans

And you know that tilt-a-whirl down on the south beach drag

I got on it last night and my shirt got caught

And they kept me spinning, babe, didn't think I'd ever get off


Oh, Sandy, the aurora is rising behind us

This pier lights our carnival life on the water

Running, laughing 'neath the boardwalk

Ah, with the boss' daughter

I remember, Sandy, girl

Na, na, na, na, na, baby


Sandy, that waitress I was seeing lost her desire for me

I spoke with her last night, she said she won't set herself on fire for me anymore

She worked that joint under the boardwalk

She was always the girl you saw bopping down the beach with the radio

The kids say last night she was dressed like a star

In one of them cheap little seaside bars

And I saw her parked with lover boy out on the Kokomo

Did you hear the cops finally busted Madame Marie

For tellin' fortunes better than they do

For me this boardwalk life's through, babe

You ought to quit this scene, too


Sandy, the aurora is rising behind us

This pier lights our carnival life forever

Oh, love me tonight and I promise I'll love you forever

Oh, I mean it, Sandy, girl

My, my, my, my, my baby

Yeah, I promise, Sandy, girl

Sha, la, la, la, la, baby

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Is …

This is literally it.

Hidden message hidden in plain sight.

Night of miracles is here.
We will see its' outcome tomorrow morning.



Today is Saturday, the 16th of April 2022.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Abacks …

The first hidden message is almost told.
The first circle of truth is almost complete.

Here come some lies and truths of the Grunge universe.

Teen spirit is only a cheap girls' perfume and maybe a lipstick message written on a bathroom mirror.

The Superunknown is just a misread Superclown.

Ask Kurt and Chris. They both died of suicide. And the 1990s are finally over…

Dear Bromford Bibble,

today is going to be a good day! And here's why…

because today is Thursday.

Wait a minute. This can't be true. The world will end - may it drown, may it blow up - and it will happen on a Thursday. Thor's Day. God of Thunder. And this time it won't be another Chris playing the role of an Asgardian or some strange version of the Dude. Thunder and lightning.

Can you feel the Gods walk around these days?

Raise your palmtree branches. The King of Men is coming in.


Horseanna! Horseanna! Horseanna!

Today is Thursday, the 14th of April 2022.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Ma'ams …

Hidden messages everywhere.

Bromford Bibble is a bad liar. Bromford Bibble is a bad liar.
Bromford Bibble is a bad liar.
Bromford Bibble is a bat liar.
Bromford Bibble is a bed lyer.

Dear Bromford Bibble…

today is going to be a good day! And here's why…

Because today is going to be my intervention.

This is an intervention. This is an intervention. This is an intervention.

She told you you should step outside yourself, be the other Bromford Bibble, looking at him from the outside, change the perspective. Tell yourself as not yourself why your life is good.

Did you see the flashes in the sky last night?, Kylie asks.

I see them everytime, everywhere, I answer. What is behind that hill? Where do those white lights come from?

Bromville, Kylie says. Over the hills and far away, there lies Bromville.

Did you know that a hug is just another way of hiding your face?, I ask clinging my arms around her shoulders.

Step back, Bromford Bibble, she says. Just one step back so that I can see your eyes.

This is not an intervention. This is not an intervention. This is not an intervention.
This is an invention.

Stop writing does letters to yourself, Kylie says. They won't increase your self-confidence. Stop listening to Mrs Kate Hudson, that therapist of yours.

All these imaginary friends, animals and beings.

The stars were shining bright last night, flickering in the calm before the storm. There is something in the corn and you don't know what it is. Lying on the roof terrace of a penthouse above the fifteenth floor of an apartment building in the early spring of April is never a good idea. Lying lye.

What does a dead liar do?, I ask myself.

Kylies, Nigels and llamas are gone, inventions of a restless mind. My mind? Is my mind spotless?

He lies still, I answer myself.

Dear Bromford Bibble,

today is going to be a good day! And here's why…

because Bromford Bibble is a lying liar.


Today is Tuesday, the 12th of April 2022.

Just looks like he lost his llama.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 201

Today is Sunday, the 10th of April 2022.

Earthworms are bait for sloths. Wait a minute... Fishing sloths? Must be something wrong here.



Where you been, Bromford?

What you doing in this song?

Skating on the ice of song

About to go under

My mother′s in the hospital

My sister's at the opera

I′m in love but let's not talk about it

There's so much to tell you

I believe in freedom

Freedom′s apparently all I need

But who′s ever been free in this world?

Who has never had to bleed in this world?

All I need are your eyes

Your nose was always too big for your face

Still it made you look kinda sexy

More like someone who belongs in the human race

Where you been, Bromford?

Let's meet up, why not tonight?

In the lane behind the schoolyard

And we′ll have some tea and ice cream

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Labels …

Dear Bromford Bibble,

today is going to be a good day! And here's why…

Because today the llama is going to move in with Kylie now that her son Nigel is lost for good in the rainforests of my shadowed mind.

And Kylie says,



Today is Wednesday, the 6th of April 2022.

Looks like you've been mounted by a llama.

Monday, April 04, 2022

A 1s ...

Dear Bromford Bibble,

today is going to be a good day! And here's why…

Because today the llama is going to move out.

Can You Hear The Desert Sing?

I am not alone.

And the llama says,



Today is Monday, the 4th of April 2022.


Saturday, April 02, 2022

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 200

Today is Saturday, the 2nd of April 2022

Don't eat bats!
Eat earthworms instead!
I like the Klingon word rainworm better...


"Bromford Lovers"

When he found her
He stayed down there
With his velvet pills
And her purple hair
In a room so dark
They could barely crawl
With orange posters
On Victorian walls
It was Saturday night
And he felt like death
She just wanted to be loved
Like anybody else
Saturday night
And the clock never stopped
She felt like a loser
On top or the pops
The Bromford lovers
With guillotine lips
Mascara egos
Doing a magazine strip

In a vicious town
With lipstick futures
Like a couple of clowns
Strange creatures
In the eider down
Teenage oblivion
Waiting to be crowned
Holes in the mattress
Where these beasts have lain
Awake until morning
With ice in their veins
Facing each other
Their eyes never met
He just wanted to be straight
It never happened to him yet
Both of them laughing
But they can't understand
What it is about friendship
Makes you hold your own hand
The Bromford lovers
Oh how they can talk
With their tongues connected
And their skin like chalk
They're joined at the hip
With the power of madness
At their fingertips
With their limbs entwined
Making moon sized promises
From their molecule minds
Stardust lovers
In a Ziggy cartoon
Two solemn lovers
In a Bromford room.