Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Old Dominion...

Today is Wednesday, the 21st of November 2018.

Kylie is calling from Virginia. She is calling from Virginia although she is not a virgin. And she is no Nia either. What a stupid remark that was, the llama thinks. Was it a joke? We all think... NO! And here is a new thing for all of you to think about. Since there is a Virginia and a West Virginia where are North, South and East Virginia? And why is there no huge, whole and united Virginia at all? Who is this Virginia? And why do we know her name but not her face? Maybe one could do some research about this topic but one is really lazy and caught too much into the November mood these days. At least Kylie and the llama are. She called it by its' name "KussKuss" the other day and guess what happened. I can see the animal grin through the phone.

Careful, trekkies! It's that Dominion from the Gamma quadrant attacking Mothers of Presidents and the Mothers of Statesmen...

And I just read that it all comes back from the American Civil War... So no more kidding about that... (Long Live The King! May He Live Long And Prosper!)

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