Friday, February 02, 2018

Ақпанның екінші жартысында екі мың он сегіз адам ...

Today ist Friday, the 2nd of February 2018.

You have become a grown-up when …

… you realize that the "world-trip" to the big city your parents took you on once in a while is only a drive by car that nowadays takes you about 15 minutes to get to work.

… you find out that there are always bigger cities and the big city from your childhood isn't that big at all.

… you discover that the big old and mysterious knight-castle on the hilltop is only one single wall with a hole that's left of the ruin.

… you figure out that the orange glow on the eastern horizon on a dark winter's morning is not the rising sun but the electric lights of the greenhouses of some genetically engineering producer of seeds and plants.

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