Thursday, October 12, 2017

د اکتوبر دولسمه - دوهارلس اویاشتی

Before you entangle yourself in this blog and you go on reading, ask yourself these important questions:

1. Do you think your curiosity might get you into trouble?

[__] No. [__] What kind of trouble do you mean?

2. If you are following someone and they go someplace dangerous, are you curious enough to keep following them?

[__] Yes. [__] What do you mean by "dangerous"?

3. If someone offers you an apple, should you take it?

[__] That sounds familiar. [__] Bad apples are bad news.

4. A train departs from Stain'd-by-the-Sea late at night and travels at top speed towards Bromford. When does it arrive? Or when will he jump aside?

[__] Just in time for a crime to be committed. [__] Too late.

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