Saturday, August 27, 2016

Too many Spoons and no Forks…

When and why did I start collecting spoons? To own all sorts of different spoons? Well, it seems like that is not my collection, not my way of collecting. What's the sense of a collection anyway?

I own hundreds and hundreds of spoons – all the same sizes and shapes, same materials, same colours. They are called teaspoons, I think. When did somebody bend my spoons?

There's a crime in the making… well, wait, in no way dramatic enough… There's a crime in progress. And the world is watching me. All authorities are not only reading my blockblog, they are even reading what I am not writing. They are following phone calls I don't make. And they are listening to words I don't say. They are in my head reading my mind, thinking things I never thought, extracting silver fibres and threads of memories, of things I've never lived thru.

But don't you worry. I am OK. I'm only living my paranoias. Earl Grey is on his way.

And always remember, don't use forks. They are the Devil's cutlery…

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