Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Good Morning, Bromford!

It's midday on a sunny midweek day. Ever noticed how creepy a house can be when you are home alone? Feels more like midnight than midday, if you want my opinion. All these strange noises, especially from empty rooms. My neighbours still didn't show up lately. Maybe I am really the last man on Earth or at least in this made up city. Seagulls and their annoying screams everywhere. They are fighting the doves, the other rats of the air. Maybe one day the owls will take over but not if I am able to prevent this. Silence fell over the world. A strange silence full of weird noises. Is Bromford still Bromford? Who knows? And who cares? Maybe the night will be full of zombies. Be careful, World! And watch out!

Feeling down when the autumn has come.

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