Tuesday, March 28, 2017

All the wrong questions…13

~ What are your superpowers again?

{| I'm rich... |}
{| I AM BATMAN... |}

Sunday, March 26, 2017

All the wrong questions…12

Do you really want to hurt me?
Do you really want to make me cry?

Boy George is still alive, right?
Boy George is not George Michael?

Who is George Orwell again?
One of the cartoon animals on Orwell's farm?

Excuse me...
It's just another sunken Sunday... ish... ???

Suddenly Sunday...?

Who is Orson Wells again?
Are there catfish on Orson's Farm?

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

All the wrong questions…10

Did you really order your latte macchiato with extra foam on one side?

Monday, March 20, 2017

All the wrong questions…9

- I couldn't care less.

# Put it in another form! Put it in another form!

- What do you mean?

# Ask it as a question! Ask it as a question!

- Could I care less?

# Lame, Brommy. That's so lame, Brommy.

- Careless... whatever... something...
Ah, leave me alone...

Saturday, March 18, 2017

All the wrong questions…8

Would you like ice cream as main course?
I'll take strawberry with whipped cream and extra cherry on the top...

Do you have answers?

All these wrong questions...
Are you asking them because you want answers?

What if you really don't want to hear the answers?
Are you asking still?

And what if you get all the wrong answers without
knowing the questions?

It's like Douglas Adam's 42...
or the thing with the hen and the egg and what came first...
or the tree in the woods and the noise that it makes when
there is no-one there to hear it...


The world is a flat circle...
Things keep repeating themselves...

All these redundant repetitions...


Thursday, March 16, 2017

All the wrong questions...7

Do androids dream of electric sheep?

But isn't this question very wrong?

You don't dream of sheep when you want to fall asleep.

So the better wrong question would be,

Do androids count electic sheep to fall asleep?

Do androids need sleep?

Do androids need sheep?

Are there android sheep?

Is there electric wool?

Do electric sheep have electric cables for sheepskin?

Are there electric wolves in electric sheep's clothing?

Let's call them Dolly...

But I am drifting away...

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

All the wrong questions…6

Do hares plunder birds' nests in the springtime and eat their eggs?

I mean… just look at their eyes. All big and yellow. Those are demons' eyes.
Like goats' eyes. I don't like hares.

What's the difference between bunnies and hares? Are bunnies rabbits?
Are hares bunnies? We will meet one day… at the rabbit-proof fence…

Will we meat one day?

Sunday, March 12, 2017

All the wrong questions...5

Somestimes I start singing...
without any reasonable... reason...
without a causable reason...
a reasonable cause...


And the worst wrong question in that situation would be:

What's that noise?

Friday, March 10, 2017

All the wrong questions...4

Yesterday the man in the uniform asked,
When did you see her last?

Today I wonder.
Am I suddenly surrounded by strange and wrong questions?

One very wrong question might be,
Is this your wife?

Or better... but still really very wrong... so better...
Or even worse...

This is your wife?

Monday, March 06, 2017

All the wrong questions...2

The basement tapes... let them roll... let them rock and roll...

Do they know what tapes is?

The wrong question of the day: Is the writer happy?

I am pretty sure that llamas don't know what tapes is...

Saturday, March 04, 2017

All the wrong questions...1

Woke up in my clothes again this morning...
And noticed that today is not Friday...

O... missed a post again...
I... me... mine...

I... O... U... A... E...

You keep asking all the wrong people all the wrong questions 
in all the wrong places, Bromford Bibble. What are you looking for?

Today's wrong question...

Have you seen this man?